KANGAROO COURT: Nadler’s Panel Passes Two Articles Of Phony Impeachment, Full House Vote Next Week

The House Judiciary Committee on Friday voted to adopt two articles of impeachment against President Trump – capping a contentious three-day session that Republicans panned as a “kangaroo court.”

The committee adopted both articles, alleging abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, on a party-line vote of 23-17. A final vote in the full House is expected next week, which could tee up a Senate trial in the new year just before presidential primaries are set to get underway.

But the committee vote was preceded by fireworks on Thursday night, when Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., infuriated Republicans by wrapping up the hearing just before midnight and postponing the votes until the morning.

“It is now very late at night,” Nadler said. “I want the members on both sides of the aisle to think about what has happened over these last two days, and to search their consciences before we cast their final votes.”

That led to Republicans decrying what they called a “bush-league stunt” by Nadler to make sure the vote would be carried on daytime television.



25 Responses

  1. Travesty of Justice. Even what they claim he clearly any first grader can see doesnt fit the “high crines and misdemeanor” requirement without pretzel logic.

    I can’t see how the president here wasn’t fulfilling his constitutional duty to do his job by requesting aid (investigative) from an ally even if it was in return for aid (military). Who cares if it was withheld, we are withholding aid from Iran too – it’s how we pressure other countries to do things.

    What they are claiming is a cover-up is what anyone above first grade would call checks and balances, he doesn’t have to answer to them, period.

    And what a total waste of taxpayer funds and legislative time when there is zero chance of this advancing in the Senate.

    incumbent usually has a 65% chance of re-election, but I think this adds 36 points.

  2. I can’t wait for Ezra Friedlander to shlep this disgusting rodent into the Munkatcher Rebbe’s house to make a joyous lichaim celebrating this monumental victory. Mazel Tov.

  3. The Democrats’ profound levels of corruption, hypocrisy, dishonesty, systemic bigotry, muderousness, depravity, immorality, perversion, anti-Semitism, and totalitarian tendencies are on display for the whole country to witness on a daily basis. November 2020 can’t come soon enough. Whoever votes for Dems is either evil or insane.

  4. ezra Friedlander is already working overtime to promote this bizayon of a yeshiva graduate who is creating the largest coup in world history.

  5. Traitor…. Rashah !
    Putting Yidden in danger, and don’t doubt it. Your Party hates you anyway and you’re its useful token Jewish idiot.

  6. There would not have been any investigation, hearing,or pending impeachment had the president not engaged in impeachable offenses. He’s the corrupt one.

  7. Reb Eliezer: We’ve been through this drill before….the editorial staff sometimes exercise their prerogative of drafting their headlines and using stock photos that reflect their perspective on the events. Using the Trumpkof/republican talking point characterization of the proceedings was not exactly the way the AP ran the story. If you google it you will see AP headlines stating “TRUMP SLAMS Impeachment Proceedings as a Kangaroo Court”. Same with the term “phony impeachment” which Trump keeps using in his Tweetlach. He has referred to impeachment and the emoluments clause of the constitution as “phony”, If you review the transcript of yesterday’s 4th Circuit hearing of the emoluments clause litigation, you will see where one of the Judges asks the DOJ attorney whether the President was even aware that the Emoluments Clause is in the Constitution. The poor DOJ attorney, not wanting to contradict the President, tried to explain that “perhaps its just the way the President speaks when he is frustrated”.

  8. Just in!

    The articles they presented are bogus. There are real articles of impeachment that tell us what the Dems really are.

    1) Democrats lost in 2016.

    2) Democrats will lose in 2020.

    I wish to have a closeup view of the downfall of all these pathetic immoral liars. They shall all nurse their wounds in retirement or in prison.

  9. ArmedJew, withholding aid approved by the Congress to pressure another country to open an investigation for the Trump’s personal (and not the country’s) benefit is OK by you?
    ZionGate, the Zionists complaining about someone endangering Jews by their public behavior? Really now?

  10. Dear , Really now?

    Really now.
    Nasal Nadler & Jewish impeachment cabal doesn’t bother you , but Zionists do. Really now ??
    Really now.

  11. Fakehadorah, why don’t post your “brilliant” comments on Reform/Conservative sites where I guarantee you will be a start, here your comments make you look stupid.

  12. mdd1:

    Stop listening to the Dems, who believe their opinions become facts. Listen to the testimony about facts. Anyone interested in the truth will not vote to impeach. That’s why this scandal will result in the backlash in 2020, with Dems taking a historic beating in the elections. I am proud to be around to watch this party of deceit, partisanship, and obsession with hate fall in disgrace.

  13. Attention YWN Editors: This article is legitimate news, phrased objectively. But the headline is so judgmental that it destroys any claims you may make of journalistic legitimacy. Please educate or replace your headline writer. Thank you.

  14. The real two Trump “impeachable” offences: winning the primaries and winning the 2016 election. C’mon rt, the dems were screaming impeachment from before Trump was even sworn in.The sore-loser syndrome (also known as TDS) that is fueling this partisan impeachment ridiculousness is unconscionable – wasted time, money, effort, and energy, dividing the country, impeding important policy changes…shame. IM

  15. IMPEACH THE HOUSE MAJORITY (and the media) FOR THEFT, FRAUD, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, ABUSE OF POWER, ASININESS, POLITICAL HACKERY, AND SHEER STUPIDITY. These are made-up charges? Well, so are the charges in the articles of impeachment. Now, get to work, Congress.

  16. GHT, the foreign emoluments clause does not apply to the president.

    And even those to whom it does apply are entitled to do business with foreign governments at normal market rates.

    MDD1, getting an ally to investigate corruption is for the country’s benefit, not for the president’s personal benefit. And Trump was the one who gave them the aid in the first place, after 0bama refused.

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