Person Assaulted in Lakewood

pd car1.gif11:00PM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah is currently on the scene of a person which was assaulted in Coventry Square. According to a YWN reporter on the scene, the victim was walking down a street when he was suddenly attacked by an African-American male, who then stole the victims wallet, and cell phone. Numerous Lakewood PD units are on the scene conducting an investigation, and searching for the attacker – who fled the scene. It is unknown if any weapon was used in this assault/robbery.

Hatzolah is transporting the victim to the hospital for non-life-threatening facial trauma.

NOTE: This is the second assault in Lakewood in the past week.

(YW-50 / YWN Desk)

9 Responses

  1. I hope the person was not seriously injured.

    If the cell phone was stolen, why don’t the law enforcement officers just track it down? With todays technology, it can easily be done in a matter of minutes, and the criminal can be quickly located and brought to justice.

  2. If the cell phone was stolen, why don’t the law enforcement officers just track it down? With today’s technology, it can easily be done in a matter of minutes, and the criminal can be quickly located and brought to justice.

    Comment by The Yeshiva Insider — May 12, 2008 @ 11:34 pm


    Welcome to Lakewood where any technology or law enforcement in general doesn’t exist.
    Lakewood police rarely ever arrest a burglar, assaulter, etc. There is a ratio of approximately 100 crimes to one arrest. It’s sad, it’s pathetic, and all the criminals know it.

  3. is the term “victim” designed to mean a woman? (are you adopting a no female policy a la another newspaper) or is it an oversight (or copy from some “offical” source.

    to #3 — #6 is right. ditto for nyc. unless its a policeman’s family (a la crown heights now) or an “askan”

    to #4 — jdl works in quieter ways — though some people in crown heights are “negotiating” a settlement

    to all — is the attacker a resident of town? will pressure be brought on his landlord to throw him AND his family (no crybaby excuses)out of town?

  4. Lakewood police department has won the guinness world records book for the least crimes solved.

    The vaad is is very proud of this, after all what can be better than a little more publicity(regardless of the fact that its negative publicity).

  5. I saw him last night at night seder in the Coventry Shul,B”H he’s doing better. He’s a little banged up (e.g.Black & Blue, scratches from his glasses hitting his face)this is getting crazy already,ther was also a break in on different block in Coventry the same night & they found his car keys & stole his car!!!!!

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