Monsey: Fire Destroys Home Of Radical Neturei Karta Member [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A fire ripped through a home in Monsey on Wednesday morning, but thankfully, the occupants escaped unharmed.

The Monsey Fire Department responded to the home at 15 Nyack Turnpike just after 10:00AM. Arriving firefighters found heavy fire blowing through the room of the home.

All occupants had been safely removed prior to their arrival.

Unfortunately, one firefighter was injured. He is reportedly in stable condition.

The home was totally destroyed.

It has since been confirmed that the home belongs to a radical member of Neturi Karta. (His photo is attached below).

This individual is well-known, as he constantly meets with Jew haters and anti-Semites across the globe, and is seen in most of their videos at protests around the world, speaking for the cameras. He has been photographed hugging and kissing terrorists that call for the destruction of Israel, including the leaders of Iran.

This individual is possibly a son in law of the head of the radical Neturei Karta, Moshe Ber Beck, whose home also burned down in a fire – that was reported by YWN in 2007.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

46 Responses

  1. Can someone PLEASE start a Chesed Fund campaign? And we should all chip in and buy him and his family one way tickets to Iran, where he can chant death to Israel all day.

    Whose in?

  2. Wow! Someone that has a different shitta than us is going through a difficult time, let us rejoice and make fun so we can feel better about ourselves. Besides the fact that we are all perfect and have no faults, so we have every right to do so. And I am sure Hashem wont mind either.. I mean if we hold this way, then Hashem must agree with us.

  3. Not funny though.
    Nobody should go through this.
    ‘Hakadosh Baruch Hu yemalei chevron.
    That includes the missing seichel as well.

  4. People, these comments are ridiculous, stop!!!!!!!!!!! this nasty hate, even you hate him he is still a jew and you don’t write such comments when one is bleeding out 

  5. such terrible hate, he’s our brother and we got to love him and care for him.
    shame on YWN for spreading their biased hate.

  6. Ad than we wonder why Moshiach didn’t come yet. Because of those who set the fire and all the nasty comments. Let Hashem judge the “Rabbi”

  7. a few thoughts;
    my first thought was as yidden we are rachmonim
    my second thought was ” binfol oyvecha on a “yid” is not so poshut
    than i remembered the divre chazal that by CHILLUL HAHSEM YOU NEED A HUGE KAPARA and regular teshuva is not enough
    the chilul hashem done by this one jew ( the power of one) in this case lerah for evil is enormous
    yes we have rachmonus on the wife & kids but by avoda zara the din is to burn .. and tehei serefosoi kapara.

  8. These people are an embarrassment to the Jewish people. To me they are the lowest of the low. They send their children to Yeshivas, why?. They daven in Shuls, why???. If they hate the Jews and Israel as much as they say they do, why do they dress the way they do and parade around like that

  9. From the majority of comments it is evident that most of the readers here have adopted the media as their source of “Halacha”. So to be clear…
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that collaborated with Nazis in WWII to kill Jews.
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that formed a government without Yiddishkeit
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that made a Chillul Hashem and fought against the British when they controlled Palestine.
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that took thousands of orphans and put them into Kibutzim and made Goyim out of them.
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that made Gezaros against Yiddishkeit and Shmad
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that are the root of Anti-Semitism in the world
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that rebelled against Hashem’s gezara that we should wait in Galus until Mashiach
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that happily make business deals with the post-war Germans who exterminated 6 million Jews.
    Neturei Karta are NOT the ones that stole land and murdered thousands of Arabs in the name of Klal Yisroel.

    All the above were committed by the Zionists…


    Neturei Karta ARE the ones that go around the world with mesirus nefesh to to tell Arab leaders that the AM YISROEL is NOT at war with them. We are NOT thieves or murderers. We are NOT against Moslems (they believe in a Creator and One G-d, unlike Christians). They let the world know that the Zionist government does not represent the Jewish people, or the Torah at all. That is all they do and this my friends is a KIDDISH HASHEM of the highest level. They never once condoned a “terrorist attack”, Just the opposite, they try to stop the killing of Jews by appeasing extremists and showing good faith.

    Anyone that is blind to this, is sadly lost. So if you choose to keep on ” Jew-bashing” and rely on the the Israeli government to save you in the war of Gog u Magog…well.. I guess you will surely get what you deserve.

  10. Serves them right. They called Rav Mordechai Eliyahu a “fake rabbi” l’havdil, and I’ve seen a video where they burned a shas poster, where most of the poster was a picture of Rav Ovadia Yossef

  11. Eyeshpeiz well said plain fact without hate, may hashem forgive the people that are dancing on Yiddish blood, interesting when nature karta does that they scream haters! But when he has a calamity they play God and gloat,that he got what he deserves look in the mirror and see the hater that stares you in the face. May hashem help you all do teshuva from sinas yisroel

  12. Shame on the guy whose house burnt fun for kissing terrorists and other anti semites

    To Eyeshpeiz: The issur to create a government was made up by the satmar Rav. It is a midrash, not a halacha.

  13. A Member of Knesset, a mechallel Shabbos’ house burned down. Who wants to join me is a dance. Serves him right. Shabbos is paying him back.

  14. These things tend to happen when you hang around Islamic Terrorists… They are known as “Work Accidents”. Baruch Hashem!

  15. YWN: A fire ripped through a home in Monsey on Wednesday morning, but thankfully, the occupants escaped unharmed.
    Also YWN: All occupants had been safely removed prior to their arrival.
    And then YWN contradicts: This individual is well-known, as he constantly meets with Jew haters and anti-Semites across the globe, and is seen in most of their videos at protests around the world, speaking for the cameras. He has been photographed hugging and kissing terrorists that call for the destruction of Israel, including the leaders of Iran.

    Are you happy he survived…?

  16. The late Satmar Rebbe, Rebeini Yoel ZT”L publicly said that Moshe Ber and his cronies are RESHOIM.
    They have the din of a rodef (Minchas Yitzchok).
    This lunatic and apikoiras was asked at a protest against Israel, if it is true that he prays 3 times a day for the Moshiach to return us to Yerushalayim- to which he said NOT TRUE. So he is denying the geula to please his Islamic funders.
    As he is a Rodef by putting Jews into danger plus supplying intelligence to the jihadists he is a Rodef, and mitzvah Leherog Byom Kippur, it is a mitzvah to kill these Jewish anti-Semites on Yom Kippur.

  17. Please be kind to one another.
    We may have different philosophies and world views, but please let NO hatred or hostility toward each other.

  18. I am so proud of these comments 🤗
    May you all be gebentched! Real yidden know the truth: No one with royal blood would ever have the gaul to act like these reshoyim.
    They are not בנים למקום.

  19. All the commenters preaching to love and be mekarev these rodfim are not talking with any da’as Torah or basis in halacha. Halacha doesn’t say that you need be mekarev a rodef and try to understand his opinion. It says hashkem lehorgo. These reshoim are not innocent victims. Payos and a frock don’t turn a rasha into a tzaddik.

  20. The only shame is that he wasn’t home when this happened. This man is an evil monster and is probably a rodef (although one would need a psak on that). BTW he is a mechutan (not SIL) of the old toothless sheik Beck. (I assume YWN intentinaly didn’t post his name, so neither will I)

  21. Just like the WOW, Peleg hoodlums etc. these NK אָפּפאַל thrive on media attention, good or bad. Ignoring them entirely and what happens to them (hopefully bad) will remove their raison’ d’etre.

  22. The police identified a suspect and are hunting for him. He’s one of the loud Zionists. His family’s trying to arrange a surrender.

  23. > eyeshpeiz

    All those “Zionist” as you call them are long dead. Time to deal with the living. Your arguments have as much meaning as rejecting Avraham Avinu because his father was Terach.

  24. I’m amazed at the number of NK supporters on here. Doesn’t Satmar ban Internet? So why are all you lot reading online. I wonder what other stuff you’re looking at. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

  25. Suprised how any jew who cal;ls himself religous can try to defend the Netura Karta madmen.
    Is there even ONE posek anywhere in the world who would give a Heter to join jihadist anti semites and publicly protest against Jews?
    Not even mentioning Standing next to Shiksas, speaking on Shabbos to a video camera, holding a mic on shabbos, carrying signs on shabbos without an eiruv.
    The fact is the most anti zionist community that are Torah observant is Satmar, who would never join them in their chillul Hashem encouraging anti semites and denying that we daven and hope for the Geulah when the Jews will reign over Yerushalayim. Satmar does not allow the head Rosho, Moishe Ber Beck into any of its premises.
    This Rosha now lost his home, but he will suffer much more burning in the world to come, unless he make Teshuva.

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