SIGNIFICANT VICTORY: Shomer Shabbos Candidate Wins Election In Sullivan County

In what observers are calling a surprise and unexpected victory, year round Orthodox Jewish resident of Woodridge, NY, Moshe Chaim Weinberg, has won election to its board of Trustees.

According to askonim involved in local Sullivan County politics, Weinberg won a seat on the Village board with a last minute coordinated write in campaign. He will be installed on Monday and join the four person village board immediately.

Because the village failed to submit its list of candidates to the Sullivan County board of elections prior to the deadline,‎ voters were required to physically write in their candidates on their ballots. Mr.Weinberg along with veteran local politician Leni Binder received overwhelming support from Orthodox voters. Weinberg, 30, a real-estate expediter moved from Far Rockaway to Woodridge approximately four years ago.‎ This is his first foray into politics.

One local homeowner told YWN that ‎”the election of Weinberg is indicative of the growing presence and contributions of Orthodox Jews to Woodridge both seasonally and year round. It’s long overdo”

Well known activist and long time village homeowner‎, Chaskel Bennett, told YWN that Woodridge is a model of civility and harmony and expressed optimism that Weinberg would be welcomed by his fellow board members and town officials. “We all care deeply about the future of Woodridge. I’m hopeful that the cooperation and inclusion orthodox Jewish residents have always experienced will only be enhanced and strengthened by the presence of Mr. Weinberg” he concluded.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Btw the village of Bloomingburg is in Sullivan County and has two frum members, The Fallsburg fire district has had frum commissioners for years, so hardly the first frum elected in Sullivan
    FYI the total vote count was 35

  2. commonsaychel, I know for a fact that the vote count is more then 35. I do not know if the rest of your post is factual or not but I do not think now you are a reliable source for info.

    Here are the actual numbers for Woodridge Village Trustee. The top two are winners for the position.

    Leni Binder 85
    Moshe Chaim Weinberg 44
    Norman Prentice 31
    Louis Saperstein 18
    Slater 12
    A few more too low to mention
    Total votes 196

  3. Finally! A yiddeshe kup!!! This is just what we need especially when it comes to matters of village trustees. Hopefully this will be a turning point for klal yisroel.

  4. FYI the total number of allowable votes he got was the 35 not 44, the remainder were written incorrectly such as Weinberger instead of Weinberg or using and middle initial not a name hence not a valid vote, as for the frum elected officeholders in Sullivan, Aaron Rabiner and Samuel Weingarten are Village board members in Bloomingburg, Rivka Moseson served one term and didn’t seek reelection, Elisha Dorfman was a Fallsburg Commissioner for many years


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