PHOTOS: Thousands of Chabad Shluchim Pose For Annual ‘Class Picture’ This Morning Outside 770

Photo: Shimi Kutner

Thousands of Shluchim posed for a group photo in front of Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights on Sunday morning. They are among more than 5,800 Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinic emissaries and communal leaders from 100 countries hailing from as far away as Laos and Angola, Ghana and Uzbekistan that are gathering for the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries.

One highlight each year is the traditional group photo of thousands of Shluchim at the front of the building on 770 Eastern Parkway – Chabad’s central headquarters.

This year, for the 15th year, tens of thousands of viewers from around the world will be able to view the International Kinus HaShluchim banquet live – here on YWN – on a broadcast made possible by the organizers of the Kinus. The highlight is always the traditional roll call of countries and regions which is followed by spirited dancing.

The banquet is being held at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, N.J. on Sunday, Nov. 25, and will be streamed live at 5:30PM.

As we have in the past years, YWN will be bringing you thousands of photos, as well as extensive video and photo coverage from the massive event.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Best comment: Where’s Rabbi Waldo.

    They should find a new location for the annual photo, so they don’t have to block traffic on Eastern Parkway. How about Citifield? Or that stadium in Brooklyn where the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball team plays. In fact, the Rebbe and his Shluchim are a Brooklyn cyclone.

  2. huju:
    Eastern parkway was not blocked. There was plenty of traffic going through…

    Taking the picture in front of 770 was an explicit directive by the Rebbe himself, when the head shluchim asked him regarding the location. The Rebbe commented that it would have been ideal to do the photo in front of the Ohel, but would not be appropriate considering the location…

  3. huju: should find a new location for the annual photo.
    You miss the symbolism, the soldiers assemble at headquarters.
    As their mission song says:
    From 770 we’re marching out
    On to victory with out a doubt
    To corners four we’re marching happily
    Nation after nation we are conquering
    Shluchai Adoneinu will bring Moshiach Tzikeinu
    Tomorrow there’ll be golus no more
    And we’ll win this golus war

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