Urgent Meeting Monday: Midwood School To Become Charter School For At Risk Teenagers

This Monday evening November 25 at 7 PM at 1625 Ocean Ave. between Aves. K and L, The East Midwood Jewish Center will introduce to the community its plan to repurpose the Jewish Day school established in 1950 with Urban Dove (www.urbandove.org) – a Charter School that says in their mission statement that they cater to highly at risk public high school teenagers. It is crucial for every community member to attend the meeting this Monday night, and respectfully express opposition to this lease that will drastically change our residential neighborhood for decades to come.

East Midwood was established almost 100 years ago to further “traditional Jewish values and the establishment of a Jewish day school to educate future generations”.

However, the current leadership has chosen to ignore the goals of this landmark institution.

In 2010, the controversial school tried to get into Aviator at Floyd Bennett field. They were promptly booted out of there. According to Aviator CEO Kevin McCabe, “[Urban Dove] has absolutely no support from the community,” joining a chorus of elected officials that panned the plan in 2010. Now they are planning to come into the heart of our community at 1256 East 21 between Ave. K and L.

According to a veteran NYC public school teacher who taught in a school with largely at-risk teens and is affiliated with East Midwood, “I don’t like the situation, and I think it’s not only bad for the homeowners but also for Murrow HS students, and not good for East Midwood either. I don’t trust Urban Dove; I think they’re willing to say anything to get in.”

Due to a shortage of classroom space in this neighborhood, local Yeshivas offered to rent the building on the same terms. The East Midwood board decided they’d rather rent to an outside Charter school. We need to show that our community is united, that the community cares and that we have a voice. Your personal presence at this meeting will convey your support and your commitment to maintaining the safety and integrity of our neighborhood and what that school building was established to do. Please make sure your neighbors are aware and attend as well.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. I’ve been out of Midwood for a long time and none of the shul’s I davened in had any relations with East Midwood and I pretty much doubt there is any now as the area keeps getting more frum.
    What incentive does East Midwood have to cooperate with people who for the most part denigrate the Conservative movement?

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