WATCH THIS: ‘We’re Building A Wall In Colorado,’ Trump Claims

President Donald Trump’s boast of building part of the border wall in Colorado is garnering attention in the state, including from the state’s governor, Democrat Jared Polis.

Trump was speaking Wednesday to an audience in Pennsylvania when he included Colorado in a list of states where the border wall is being constructed, along with New Mexico and Texas.

The president said: “We’re building a wall in Colorado, we’re building a beautiful wall, a big one that really works, that you can’t get over, you can’t get under.”

Of course, Colorado doesn’t share a border with Mexico, which Polis, and others on social media noted.

Polis tweeted: “Well this is awkward …Colorado doesn’t border Mexico. Good thing Colorado now offers free full day kindergarten so our kids can learn basic geography.”

Late Wednesday night, the president elaborated on his comments via Twitter, saying he “kiddingly” said there would be a wall in Colorado.


6 Responses

  1. Even more of a bushah is the fact that the mindless Trumpkopf could not simply say “I misspoke”. Instead, he would have his tzibur believe that it was an intentional joke inserted into to his speech. The joke will be on him when he finds himself on the wrong side of the fence (aka jail cell) once he leaves office and no longer protected by the DOJ policy of not prosecuting/jailing a President “while in office”.

  2. Fake news
    Of course if your room is in the middle of the house it benefits from the outer walls.
    The liberal media knows exactly what he was saying and just try to destroy him.
    Either way, I could care less what comes out of his mouth or Twitter.
    His actions have been great.
    I do worry about who takes over in 5 years. He has raised the passion on all sides and that includes both good and bad elements. It’s only natural. Lehavdil – when the koach hakedusha is stronger- so does the koach hatumah get stronger.
    The only nechama is that lev melavhim vesarim betas Hashem. So it does not matter.

  3. Before liberals start spitting fire just remember that your intergalactic president and commander in chief Hussein Obama said he campaigned in 57 states but didn’t have time for Alaska or Hawaii.

  4. With all the competent Republicans around, why is anybody still supporting this guy? His judgment is terrible, he can’t remember basic facts about the world, and he constantly makes us a laughingstock in world opinion. And that’s important, because world opinion of Israel counts, and we suffer when the US suffers because we’re so closely identified with the US. Especially since the abandonment of the Kurds, no one places any trust any more in what Trump and the US say, so when the BDSers speak, people listen to them more readily. Israel is majorly dependent on foreign trade and investment, and if the rest of the world abandons us, the US won’t be able to pick up the slack.

    Maybe Democrats are doing the US and Republicans a favor by impeaching Mr. Trump. President Pence would have a whole lot more credibility and good will than the current incumbent.

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