TRAGEDY: Jewish Couple Struck By Vehicle On Church Avenue Near Boro Park, Wife R”L Killed

A Jewish couple were struck by a vehicle on Shabbos afternoon, and the wife was R”L killed.

The NYPD says it happened at 3:19PM on East 4 Street and Church Avenue. An investigation revealed that a black Cadillac SRX was travelling west bound on Church Avenue when it struck the 2 pedestrians who were attempting to cross Church Avenue.

The 60 year-old female victim was pinned under the vehicle and suffered massive injuries, and her 72 year-old husband suffered an injury to his wrist. EMS transported both victims to Maimonides Hospital where the 60 year-old female was R”L Niftar. She was identified as Olga Feldman A”H, of Ocean Parkway.

The driver of the vehicle remained on scene and was removed to Maimonides Hospital for an evaluation.

There are no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.

Misaskim was working with authorities to ensure proper Kavod Haniftar.

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3 Responses

  1. Please someone in Brkln reach out to this family to insure that the mother has a proper kevura. They are from Russia and may not know what to do.. If someone can do it, it will be a very big mitzvah.

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