Thousands of Children Join Misaskim’s 25th International Tehillim Asifa [PHOTOS]

Imagine if all the children of Klal Yisroel would gather together for one tefillah…

Imagine the power of one “Amen” recited by thousands of innocent voices…

Imagine a “Yehi Shmei Rabbah” echoing from every corner of the world.

On October 3 at 1:00 pm EDT, Misaskim hosted its 25th Tehillim Asifa. For one hour, thousands of children joined together to say tehillim and daven minchah. From Mexico City, to Manchester, from Lakewood to Israel, children from every kehilla, community and sect will unite. Differences did not exist, viewpoints didn’t matter: Only the sound of tefillah was heard as it rattled the doors of shamayim.

Since the first event, rabbonim and gedolim expressed great excitement to be able to participate in the Misaskim Tehillim Asifa. The Bobover Rebbe zt”l, Rav Pam zt”l, The Skulener Rebbe zt”l, and other venerated leaders have taken part in this historical moment. This year too, the Tehillim Asifa was joined by many gedolim.

You too can be part of this uplifting moment. You too can join in with thousands of our brothers and turn to our one father above.



(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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