INSANE VIDEO: Woman Climbs Over Fence At Bronx Zoo’s Lion Exhibit

Zoo officials say a woman reportedly climbed over a safety barrier at the lion exhibit at a New York City zoo.

The Bronx Zoo says in a statement that staff received a report that an individual climbed over the visitor barrier at the African lion exhibit on Saturday.

The woman is seen in a social media video waving to the lion from across a moat that separates the animals from visitors.

Another video shows the woman climbing over the wooden safety barrier before stopping at the edge of the moat.

The zoo says this was a “serious violation and unlawful trespass.” The Bronx Zoo says they have a “zero tolerance policy on trespass and violation of barriers.”

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13 Responses

  1. If the lion eats her, can her family sue?

    Can the lion sue?

    Is this article lashon ho’ra are humans, or on lions, or on the zoo management.

  2. Can one of our poskim advise as to what is the proper bracha the lion must make for consumption of crazy goyim (she doesn’t look like a yid but that’s just my stereotyping).

  3. If the lion had eaten her they would have called it racial – and the lion would have been locked up…oh
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