California Billionaire Gives Chabad $18 Million

cash.jpgAccording to a report by, Chabad of California will soon be the beneficiary of an $18,000,000 donation from the late Roland Arnall.

Mr. Arnall, who passed away before Purim of this year at the age of 68 was the CEO of Ameriquest Mortgage. According to our source, before his passing he told Rabbi Shlomo Cunin that he would give a $18,000,000 donation for Chabad of California and a short while later sent in a down payment of $180,000

This would be the 3rd largest single contribution made to a Chabad Mosad in history. In the mid 1980’s Chabad of California was left with $21 million from the estate of Hermine Weinberg, and in 2005 Chabad of the Palisades was left with $30+ million from the estate of Herman S. Stern.

(Source: Shmais / Shturem)

15 Responses

  1. I believe that Roland Arnall’s wife is not Jewish. What is the halachik stand,regarding such a contribution, in a case like this?

  2. dovidhakoton,
    give it up already. Good for them. All the mosdos in the world are drowning, and we don’t hear any sympathy for them. But when they get a big donation or eyes bulge.

  3. i don’t understand everyone is like against chabad but when they go away for vacation or something and they go to chabad, i personally love chabad an what they do except for the belief of rebbi being the moshiach and they deserved every dollar they make so many people keep shabbos and light candles without them the other jew in the world wouldn’t understand the observance of shabbbos

  4. All you folks are not seeing something here- Ameriquest was one of the leading SubPrime lenders and was sued by every State Attorney in the country – much of the economic crisis we find ourselves mired in right now is attributable to the SubPrime lending fiasco-
    Check for yourselves!

  5. Good on ya, Rabbi Cunin! As a Chabadnik with four siblings on Shlichus, I can assure you: Chabad is not drowning in money.

    Understand that the 4,400+ Shlichus families EACH raises its own funds. Boruch Hashem many shluchim have built close friendships with some very wealthy nedivim over the years and it has helped to fund a range of projects above and beyond what any ten-line YeshivaWorld comment could do justice to.

    To put this donation in context: West Coast Chabad alone oversees HUNDREDS of individual centers in cities and on campus. It operates the popular and runs a mobile soup kitchen. It has summer camps for boys and girls, drug rehab programs and runs the beautiful FridayLight initiative. Eighteen-million dollars is huge–but there’s where to spend it. Meihem yir’u, v’chein ya’asu!

  6. To Yid 613 I dont understand why you bother answering this Creep, its nothing more than Jealousy & selfish.

    Can you imagine him getting this kind of money & it would not even enter his mind, but if Chabad gets the money he has a problem.

    Dovid Hakoten your name fits you perfect & there must be a reason for this name so i hope the name is on indication of who you realy are & please dont go into any Chabad house to pray as you have a problem with them.

  7. I became frum via Chabad, although I am not a Chabadnick or a chassid. The shluchim reached out to me with unconditional love. And Chabad goes where noone else goes – 2 bochurs go to say havdalah for the folks at my Gramma’s retirement home.

    I would expect that 18M is destined to bring people closer to HBH.

  8. “As your name”
    Chalish; you chalish for someone’s money
    Hakatan; obviously jealous and petty.
    Rav Mechel ; jealous
    Godol Hadol (Paleeese) I’m sure if some of it came your way you’ld be happy.
    I haven’t been on the site for a while. but this is embarressing and petty.
    Someone gives a large donation and he’s bad mouthed?! What have we sunk to?

  9. My father, mother, fathers’s brother, his wife.. all became frum through chabad shluchim.

    Thats a total of 4 jews with a combined 14 kid’s ke’h.. shomrei tora umitzvos…

    Not included about 10 people my father has made frum.. and a few of whom are now shluchim (although my dad is a pharmacist not a shliach)

    Dont knock chabad.

  10. illini – you’re absolutely right.

    Boruch Hashem!

    All frum shlichus and kiruv outfits should be just as, if not even more successful!

    Thank you HKB’H for Chabad and the Rebbe.

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