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VIRAL VIDEO: Man On 59 St Bridge With Spray-Paint; Was He Painting Swastikas, Or Making Lines Through Them?

This video below went viral on social media on Monday afternoon, and some are calling this man a hero, while others are skeptical.

The viewer will see what appears to be an Uber driver with his vehicle stopped on the 59th Street bridge in NYC, and the driver standing next to a highway divider. He is holding a spray-paint can, and appears to be doing something.

Initially, it appears the man is painting swastikas, but on second view, it seems the man may have been making yellow lines through blue swastikas.

But on closer view, the man is holding a second spray paint can in his hand.

Sources tell YWN that the NYPD Hate Crimes, as well as the TLC Police are already in possession of the video and are investigating the incident.

YWN notes that there are dozens of cameras on the bridge, with every inch of the bridge being recorded.

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5 Responses

  1. He made the swastikas and then put the lines through it.
    From the video both look fresh paint with no dirt or anything over the swastika either.
    He is def responsible for both.

  2. JUST LOOK HOW FRESH THAT BLUE SWASTIKA IS. And the fact he has two cans.
    Just wait for later today when we hear he has been arrested hopefully….

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