Amudim – Pillars Of Our Community

According to the Oxford Dictionary, pillars is defined as tall vertical structures of stone, wood or metal used as a support for a building. “Pillars” translated into Hebrew is “Amudim”. Suddenly, that seemingly simple word takes on a whole new meaning.

Over the past five years the word Amudim has come to represent so much to thousands of people. As a thriving organization, our mission is to support members of the community by providing resources and guidance. Amudim lifts up those in need and supports clients with strength and professional experience meeting each person where needed.

Just as pillars come in an assortment of materials and decorative styles, Amudim’s resources also come in a wide variety of services and programs to change lives and build futures. Amudim’s comprehensive case management system responds to varied request for service including abuse, addiction, and mental health issues. Additionally, Amudim works to prevent these serious issues by offering awareness events, Narcan training, educational programs for schools and summer camps. Amudim works closely with community leaders to create curriculum that will equip students in dealing with the dangers of today’s world.  Our award-winning PSA videos and weekly transformation emails have captured untold thousands worldwide, prompting many to reach out for lifesaving help.

The word pillars is often used as part of the phrase “pillars of the community”. This describes those individuals who are influential and well respected and whose efforts keep the community structure standing strong. At Amudim, this phrase can apply to everyone. Each of us has the ability to impact lives. It takes more than one pillar to hold up a building. Our building structure includes case managers, family, friends, mental health professionals, local law enforcement, social service agencies, clergy members, community leaders, neighbors and co-workers. This building can only exist with strong pillars.

The concept of pillars is easily applied to Amudim. Since 2014, Amudim has expanded from a single office in Manhattan to five locations worldwide.  Since its inception, Amudim’s case managers in the U.S. have served just under 6,000 families and have responded to more than 166,000 calls. Since opening its doors in 2017, the Israel office has served 867 clients and responded to over 18,000 calls. Additional programming includes:

  • Over 100 awareness event
  • Attracting more than 15,000 participants.
  • Tens of thousands of additional livestream viewers.
  • 19 conferences.
  • 5,300+ Narcan kits distributed.
  • 120 Narcan training & prevention events.

As pillars of Amudim, we are all part of the solution to today’s unprecedented challenges. It is clear that much has been accomplished, but a great deal more is still needed. It takes minimal effort to share an Amudim PSA video/resource on social media, but that simple click can often have far reaching effects. Each of us can offer a listening ear to someone who seems to be having a hard day, letting them know that they aren’t alone in their struggles and that help is just a phone call away.  We are building strong and healthy communities, day by day, one person at a time.

Pillars are symbols of strength. Pillars are physical supports that keep buildings from collapsing. Pillars are essential components of every structure that offers shelter and solace to those in need. We are Amudim, and with you, we are pillars. Working together, we can continue to change lives and build futures.

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