Respecting The Law – Dina D’malchusa Dina [WATCH THE VIDEO]

Every so often the public requires gentle reminders about important aspects of halacha. One such area concerns respecting the laws of the United States of America.

Chazak were well aware of the obligation to observe Dina dmalchusa and it was quantified in both the gemorah as well as shulchan aruch.

Below we find a short video presentation about this topic. Please watch it and help spread it.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. “Chazak were well aware of the obligation to observe Dina dmalchusa and it was quantified in both the gemorah as well as shulchan aruch.”

    “Chazak” should be “Chazal”.

  2. יישר כחך to the people involved in this.

    Very good job!

    This will not reach certain people who need to get the message ASAP however.

    I suggest making a version in Yiddish, with contemporary Hasidic leaders and Hasidic sources as well.

    Some years ago there was a Mr. Gross z”l, a Hasidic Jew from Boro Park, who, for a number of years, made a giant asifa during the nine days dedicated to this topic in that area.

    There were famous speakers and powerful presentations. In addition to information of the type given in the video here, people were also informed graphically about the unpleasant consequences of improper behavior (e.g. incarceration and so on). Lawyers and academics addressed the crowd in addition to rabbis.

    May Mr. Gross have a lichtige gan eden for his efforts in this area.

  3. WOW this video is so powerful. It gives so much food for thought. Thank you to the producers. It seems like common sense that we should respect that laws of our great country, but this reminder is just what the doctor ordered!

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