Popular residency by investment programs in Europe

European citizenship is considered very prestigious and has many advantages. If you aren’t born in one of the countries on the continent, you still have an opportunity to gain local ID. The procedure isn’t simple and requires a lot of effort, time and money to gain local ID. Usually, authorities issue passports to foreigners after 7-12 years of residence in the country. However, investment programs allow the applicant to become a holder of status much faster.


The benefits of a second passport in Europe


Many want to get a second citizenship because they understand what opportunities will be opened to them. For entrepreneurs, this is a great way to expand a business, gain access to global banks and financial instruments. European citizenship also has other benefits for living, including:


  • travel to the Schengen and the EU countries without the need to prepare a visa;
  • favorable prices for obtaining a degree in European universities and the possibility of free education;
  • access to the best medical institutions in the world, not only in the country where the passport was issued but throughout the EU;
  • the possibility of inheritance for 3 generations.


Besides, European governments care about their citizens and their needs. Statistics show that the quality of life in the EU is one of the highest in the world. All social, state, labor guarantees are provided.


The procedure for obtaining European residency by investment


Contact a migration firm for professional advice in choosing the appropriate program. The company’s specialists assist in the collection of documents and fill out the application forms. All papers must be notarized and translated into English. The term of verification of the request after its submission ranges from 6 to 14 months depending on the country.


Choosing the right company to help you get European citizenship is the basis for a successful migration. Migronis specialists are very experienced in assisting in passport acquisition. Their offices are located around the world so they are available 24/7. The company offers the terms of cooperation where you pay only when your application is approved. Otherwise, they reimburse not only the expenses on their services but all costs.


Migronis is engaged in CBI (citizenship by investment) programs in 25 countries. For those who want to get residency in Europe (temporary or permanent that lead to passport), the company offers Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Portugal, while citizenship can be obtained in Montenegro, Cyprus and Malta. Conditions and details are described on their website migronis-citizenship.com.


Which program to choose?


There are several European countries that offer RBI programs to buy residency. Each one has different conditions and requirements. Businessmen and ordinary people who want to get European residency mainly choose Portugal. This program is popular due to quick term to citizenship (5 years) and possibility to travel with ID card all over the EU countries without a visa. Governments require applicants to have a legitimate source of income and no criminal records. Citizenship can be granted to you and your family.


Malta residency can only be obtained by completing all 3 investment terms: purchase of  government bonds, payment of a state fee, purchase or rent of a real estate. State fee is considered non-refundable. However, in the case of buying property and bonds, you can sell it in 5 years. Request processing time is about 9 months or longer.


Each program has specifics. In order to find out which program suits you the most, contact an immigration expert. Only experts know complete details of RBI and CBI programs.


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