BRAZEN ROBBERY: Employees Tied Up In ‘Massive’ New York Diamond District Heist

Three masked robbers held up a midtown Manhattan Jewelry store in broad daylight.

Police say the men posed as customers during the heist at Avianne & Co. Jewelers in the diamond district just after noon on Sunday.

The NYPD said the suspects were armed with guns and tied up employees inside the store,

The employees told officers the suspects initially posed as customers, entering Avianne & Co. Jewelers on West 47th Street at around noon. Police said at some point the men then suddenly pulled out guns, zip-tied and duct-taped the four employees. They made off with a large amount of jewelry in duffel bags.

Surveillance photos from a nearby business shows three men with duffel bags right after the heist. Police haven’t confirmed that they are the men responsible, but they match the suspect description officers provided. One is seen wearing wearing a red bandana, another a cowboy hat, a third a Kangol hat.

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13 Responses

  1. Poor kids, they suffered all their lives in the ghetto brought up by their single moms. Shame Obama is no longer president. He’d surely have some way of excusing their actions.

  2. Bunch of racist all you commentators
    You think white guys can’t commit crimes?
    Who do you think was the brains behind this whole thing??

  3. Obama would have invited them to the WH for a breakfast meeting, apologized to the people of color community for the fact that they were fingered and banned surveillance cameras, as they simply racially profile those who commit crime. Those with black faces show up more easily while helping themselves to others property and that is clearly discriminatory. Then he would have asked if he could choose one of the pieces they helped themselves to, for his lady. And Yomam valayla, stop spouting what is just PC nonsense. All of us who live in New York know that karlbenmarx is simply observing the truth.

  4. pd; The same reason banks don’t have armed guards, to prevent shootouts. All the employees are B”H alive, if they were armed and there was a shootout there could have been tragic results.

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