Tosher Community in Canada Vaccinates 350 Children to Stop Measles Outbreak

This week, about 350 children in the Tosh Hasidic community north of Montreal, Canada, were vaccinated against measles, according to a report by CJ News on August 22, 2019.

This vaccination program was related to 5 cases of measles confirmed in Boisbriand, Quebec, during the summer of 2019.

The director of public health for the region, Dr. Eric Goyer, stated that “these were the first cases of measles in the region since 2011.”

Isaac Weiss, a spokesperson for Kiryas Tosh, said “the immunization was offered to those whose medical records showed they were unvaccinated or not up to date, but was voluntary.”

Mr. Weiss theorized that the outbreak was due to someone’s visit to New York – where there was a measles outbreak recently.

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He further stated that prior to the program, “90 to 95 percent of Tosh’s 500 families had their children vaccinated, and community leaders are urging all of its members to do so.”

But, no one knows for sure how the measles infection spread.

Tosh community leaders are informing members about the necessity of vaccinations and trying to dispel any fear about the risk of negative side effects.

“Unvaccinated children will not be permitted to attend the community’s schools until the outbreak is deemed contained,” Weiss explained.

Tosh is a chasidus originating in Nyirtass, Hungary, and is today based in Kiryas Tosh, outside of Boisbriand, a suburb of Montreal, Quebec. Tosher Chasidim have branches in the United States in Boro Park, Williamsburg,  Kiryas Joel, and Monsey, and in London, England.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. If 95% of 500 families were already vaccinated, and 350 children just got vaccinated because they happened to miss their vaccinations (I assume the allusion is that they don’t have an objection to vaccinations), that means that they have about 7000 children, an average of 12 children per family. Kein Ayin Horah!!

    Or is my math flawed?

  2. Good for them! Chazal and plain common sense (aka seichel) mean we have to vaccinate our children. For community authorities to make it a priority shows that they have the wellbeing of their chasidim at heart.

  3. You need to realize that the MMR vaccine comes in 2 doses, one after the child’s first birthday and the second between ages 4-6. However, in case of an outbreak in one’s own city or if visiting a city with an outbreak, the recommendation is to give the second dose earlier. These children were likely on their correct vaccine schedule but needed to have the second dose done earlier.
    As well, many adults may not have had the second dose depending on their birth year or their immunity may have worn off. Toronto’s Hatzoloh had 2 vaccine clinics and hundreds were vaccinated.

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