Catskills: Man Airlifted After Serious Head-On Crash Near Wurtsboro [VIDEO]

A husband and wife travelling to the Catskills for Shabbos were involved in a serious head-on crash, Friday afternoon.

It happened at around 4:55PM on Wurtsboro Mountain Road.

Catskills Hatzolah as well as Mobilmedics were on the scene and treated the victims from both vehicles. THe Wourtsboro FD as well as the NY State Police were also on the scene.

A male victim suffered fracture of both legs as well as chest injuries and a chopper was requested by Hatzolah Paramedics to airlift him to  trauma center. The chopper landed on the overpass on Route 17 near Exit 112, and flew him to Westchester Trauma Center.

His wife suffered leg injuries and was taken by ground to Orange Regional Medical Center.

The victims in the other vehicle were in stable condition and were transported by ambulance.

Names for Tehillim for unavailable.

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