Rep. Jerry Nadler Visits Munkatcher Rebbe [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Caption around the table L-R: Ezra Friedlander, Rabbi Moshe Margaretten, Munkatcher Rebbe Shlita, US Representative Jerrold Nadler, Reb Avrohom Pinchas Berkowitz, Rabbi Chesky Blau

Representative Jerry Nadler recently visited the home of the Munkatcher Rebbe where he was warmly welcomed by the Rebbe. The meeting served as opportunity to discuss various issues personally important to the Rebbe and to the community at large regarding criminal justice reform as it relates to the recently enacted First Step Act. The Congressman was accompanied by Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group.

The discussion also focused on a bill that Congressman Nadler was the author of that protects individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws known as RLUIPA– Religious Land Use And Institutionalized Persons Act that protect individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws that many frum communities have utilized when facing anti–Semitism.

Attending the meeting were important community leaders including: Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of Tzedek Association who was the driving force behind the efforts to ensure passage of the First Step Act, prominent Torah and chesed philanthropist Reb Avrohom Pinchas Berkowitz, community activist Rabbi Chesky Blau, Rabbi Efraim Fink of Bnos Chaya School for Girls, Tzedek activists Reb Binyumin Kramer, Reb Anchi Berko.

During the meeting the Rebbe Shlita reminisced and reminded Congressman Nadler of their relationship going back decades praising the Congressman for his “friendship to the community and always willing to listen and be of help wherever possible to our concerns.”

Photo Credit: Lenchevsky Images


27 Responses

  1. What a chillul hashem! Why is Mr. Ezra Friedlander CEO of Ezra Friedlander group and head of the Ezra friedlander chillul Hashem group bringing this horrible disgusting nadler who is a self hating Jew to this Rabbi in brooklyn

  2. How does Ezra Friedlander have so much time to be busy with all those horrible anti semites like Jerry nadler and nasty peloci when he’s busy running the major network of Liska chassidus

  3. I find it appalling when frum groups support politicians who are in favor of abortion, gay marriage, and other ideas that are blatantly anti-Torah. Why are you trading your morals for food stamps and other programs?

  4. This man who considers himself a Jew voted for Obama’s Iran deal endangering millions of his fellow Jews in Israel.
    Communal leaders and Rabbonim begged him to vote against and he ignored their pleas.
    He is a traitor to his nation.
    He should be shunned.

  5. He’s a vile unscrupulous hypocrite and shamelss liar, championing the immoral pathological agenda of the Democratic loonies A painful embarrasment to the Jewish people.

  6. How can we meet and kiss this guy?

    Does he condem the anti semites- SQUAD in congress?

    The goyishe republicans are way better!!!

    Are we selling ourselves cheap???

  7. He’s a vile unscrupulous hypocrite and shameless liar, championing the immoral pathological agenda of the Democratic loonies A painful embarrassment to the Jewish people.

  8. I couldn’t agree more with all the above comments. Whenever I see Ezra Friedlander involved, I figure it has something to do with a anti Torah politician. Wake up, Nadler, Schumer and the rest of the self hating Jews need to be voted out. NY once had a senator who represented Jewish interests, as well as just plain wholesome values. That was Al D’amato. New Yorkers voted him out in favor of one of our own, so to speak, Schumer. You get the representative you deserve. Kiss up and support Democrats, you can make arrangements chas v’ shalom for NYC and America’s levaya.

  9. Not only does Nadler support toaveh, he even initiates legislation to that effect and then sends out emails to his constituents about it.
    DISGUSTING and self-hating Jew!

  10. Until very recently it was always understood that we try to have good relationships with everyone in office even those with whom we have strong disagreements

  11. I smell the chaniffa all the way from here. If you’ll notice, the Rebbe never looks the rasha straight in the eyes. He’s always looking to the left, at Rabbi Margareten or Ezra. The very few times he looks to the right, where the rasha is sitting, he looks at Mr. Berkowitz. That tells you a lot. When you hear the rasha saying “shteeble” and “IY”H”, you want to puke. I’m surprised he was able to take time out of his busy schedule of impeaching President Trump (collusion, obstruction, & tax returns) to shlep to Boro Park to meet the Rebbe.
    I get it. Like it or not, unfortunately he’s our Congressman. Being a democrat, he’s got tenure and we have to deal with him, but come on.

  12. GM, true. But the democrat party today has become openly anti-semitic and the silence of Nadler, Schumer and the like speaks volumes in aiding, abetting, and normalizing this anti-semitism. They must be openly challenged by the spectrum of Jewish communities regarding their condoning the Jew-hatred espoused by their colleagues.

  13. Raban Yochonan Ben Zakai met the rasha Vesapian as he was preparing to destroy Yerushalayim. It has always been the Yiddishe way for rabbonim to meet reshoyim if it can be of assistance to Yidden.

  14. They prob’ly served phat jerry Wadler some kishke and cholent
    they also had to get a crowbar to phit him through the doorway

  15. The Democrats have launched a campaign aimed at the frum community to make it look as-if we support them and are against Trump. This is for pictures only, and they will use it to try to trip-up Trump (chas veSholom) to show the world that Jews are with them. This is also is why the Mayor begged Satmar for a donation of only ONE dollar! Then he can claim that he has tens of thousands of DONORS from Willy alone!
    Moire veRaboise! Beware! Don’t be complicit with the party that (besides Israeli politics) want to undermine anything Yiddish. The left is poisoning everything, especially the schools. These democrats are with THEM. We have to be fearless with proclaiming that WE ARE WITH TRUMP! Don’t fear what-if this or that. Beetachon!

  16. to ysam: learn about antecedents before you post again. You said some horrible things that probably don’t apply to the Munkatcher rebbe.

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