WATCH THIS: Trump Says Any Jew Voting Democratic Is Uninformed Or Disloyal


President Donald Trump says any Jewish people who vote Democratic show “either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”

Trump commented Tuesday amid his ongoing feud with Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Trump has taken several steps favored by Israel, while the Muslim lawmakers are outspoken critics of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

Trump calls Omar a “disaster” for Jews and says he didn’t “buy” the tears Tlaib shed Monday as she discussed the situation.

At Trump’s urging, Israel last week blocked the pair from entering the country. Israel later agreed to a humanitarian visit for Tlaib to visit her grandmother who lives in the West Bank. Tlaib declined.

Recent polling shows that a majority of Jews identify as Democrats.

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31 Responses

  1. Trump certainly has a way with words. Expect that tomorrow either Kellyanne Conway or his latest Press Secretary will tell us that what he said really isn’t what he said.
    His mind may have been on the Danish situation. Tonight he tweeted that his meeting with the President of Denmark has been postponed because she didn’t want to sell Greenland. The meeting was set long before he announced his interest in buying Greenland,
    Is his mind unraveling?

  2. Gut gezukt Mr. President. Very well said and right on the money. He forgot one thing though…in addition to being ignorant and disloyal, those jews who vote these rashaim in to office are also self hating and assimilated jews whose religion is progressive socialism. They no nothing of Torah and Yiddishkeit and have no interest in the land or the people of Eretz Hakodesh. They only know the sewage that spews out of the Democrats as their religion. As “the Donald” would say….so sad…

  3. He isn’t wrong. Jews voting for the toeiva-spouting, jihad-loving, baby-murdering socialists/Democrats aren’t only disloyal to fellow Jews living in Israel – they’re also disloyal to Torah values and by extension to Hashem Himself.

  4. The left wing media and left wing “Jewish” groups like J Street will be up in arms about this. They’re jump on the term disloyal. He didn’t say disloyal to America. I think he meant disloyal to their fellow Jews and Israel. He’s right. The Democratic party of Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, and others doesn’t exist any longer. The party has been taken over by radical socialists, who are anti Israel, pro Muslim, pro toeiva, anti family values, pro abortion(even after birth), and other positions that middle America , including Orthodox Jews do not hold by. Our representatives in Congress, like Schumer. Engel and others in the Democratic party, who are Jewish, have fallen in line with the radical agenda. Trump is a great friend to Israel and the Jewish people. The media and the radical will try to misinterpret his words to fit their narrative.

  5. Reb Yankel D: Mr. Trump was perfectly coherent and correct in his statement about Jews who vote the Democrats in. I think his idea of buying Greenland is an excellent one. Maybe we can exile Rashanta Tlaib , Sicko Omar, and their chevra and send them far away to Greenland….just an idea.

  6. Did you hear the expression ‘tell me who your friends are I’ll tell you who you are. Every antisemite, every Mushchas is welcome to the donkey party. Its too bad that a non-jew needs to tell us this.

  7. He is 100% right that Jews who vote for the Democrats are idiots, are foollsh, misguided, and pathetic – voting for their own destruction. I’d even go so far as to say that it is disloyal to the State of Israel. Nonetheless, saying that they are “disloyal” is taking it one step too far.

  8. What is sad is that so many of purported torah true jews have embraced a man whose very essence and being is counter to every principle of Judiasm. I am embarrassed by my fellow frum Jews. The stain that Trump has left on from Jewry is indelible This comment regarding Jews voting for Democrats is beyond the pale of decency even for someone as contemptible as Trump I am a Frum Jewish American & I certainly will not be voting for Trump.

  9. Cheating on all your wives, cheating in business in every way imaginable, lying so often that fact checkers can’t keep up, spouting racist memes on a regular basis, and calling people who march with Nazis very fine people?

    That is not a person who has a right to make an anti-Semitic accusation of disloyalty.

  10. So an American president has questioned the loyalty of a majority of American Jews and most commenters here approve. Walk it back, fast.

  11. Katanhadorah!!!! Crazy Kanoy!!!!!!! RT!!!!!!!!!!!! All libtards that leave their libtard comments on this website!!!!!!!!! You should be grateful to Mr President Donald J. Trump. He was so generous for calling you disloyal and ignorant. I think of a very different word to describe who and what are you really.

  12. Trump is as always right on the money. This guy is the best president this country has ever had. He truly deserves a spot after 120 on the top of Mount Rushmore. And yes, I am a member of the democratic party, but always vote republican.

  13. To Charlie Hall:
    Obama= pereh adam
    Biden= shoteh
    Sanders= am Haaretz to the fullest!
    Democrats= soneh yisroel
    Donald Trump= ohev yisroel
    Charlie You remind me of CNN MSNBC, BBC , new york times ect…. I certainly wish you a refuah shelama. My American “FRUM” jewish friend .

  14. Jews voting for what is becoming an antisemitic party are not disloyal.
    They are psychopaths.
    This is a psychiatric, not a political issue.

  15. Some commenters seem ignorant of the long history of anti-Semites’ calling Jews disloyal – in America, in Germany, and everywhere else. Putting out the notion of Jewish disloyalty is Trump’s way of stoking the anti-Semitic portion of his base.

  16. Trump is 100% correct to callout Yevsektsiya of Democrat party. They lost all their “Jewish” legitimacy after supporting Obama’s Iran nuke deal and then sitting shiva after Hillary’s loss.

  17. Trump was 100% right. He said that any Jew who knowingly votes against Jewish interests is disloyal to his people. That’s not antisemitic, and shouldn’t even be controversial — it’s a truism!

    Those Jews who complain about it — and that includes some commenters here — have a problem with the whole concept that Jews are a nation and should be loyal to each other. They want to think of themselves not as Jews but as “Americans of the Mosaic faith”, who should be expected to vote just like other Americans of different faiths. Their emunah is suspect.

  18. Accusing Jews of being “disloyal” is part of anti Semitism from time immemorial. Very dangerous for us and further dog whistle to anti Semites in this country.
    I see a number of “ignorant” Jewish trump supporters here. Charlottesville, fine people on both sides, the worst murder of Jews in this country in history in Pittsburgh, chabad in Gilroy should send chills up your spine.

  19. Do us all a favor and leave out the fake moral outrage over Trump’s indiscretions thus forcing us to launch a counter argument reminiscing about the Clintons and their “impeccable morality” – yes, we remember, you know them well from law school – but that doesn’t change the Flowers facts or that thanks to Bill, oral ___ became a household word. As you well know but pretend not to, Trump was referring to the protesters protesting the removal of Civil War confederate memorials as “fine people”, not the neo-nazis who showed up. If you’ve been to the South, you would know that the “War of Northern Aggression” is still a touchy subject for many, and they’d like to keep their memorials intact. And less you be tempted to scream “racist”, bear in mind that it was the southern democrats who suported slavery , and it is democratic polices that have continuously kept black Americans oppressed. Trump’s language may be uncouth at times but he and his policies are good for Jews, Israel, and minorities. You will NOT like the post-Trump America, if a democrat is voted in after him.

  20. > Naftush-2

    Here are questions for you. Specifically which loyalty do you refer when you use the word “loyalty” – loyalty specifically to whom or to what. And then can you show us precisely where Trump is making the same reference.

  21. Trump is right. 1000%. It’s just obvious as sunrise from east.

    CharliHall. You sound like a nice guy but definitely misinformed. A presidential candidate who ran against a deep state and their cronies in media will have disproven talking points. The sins of Trump, as you mentioned, is play on words in comparison to Obama ( false messiah of Jews) and the 8 years of Anti Jewish, antagonism for the requalr people and being a marching band for ISLAMIC TERROR. Just take a moment and go back review how the Jewish Democrats betrayal of Jewish people ran itself till last minute sellout to Israel in UN, last minute pile of cash gift to terrorists in PA.
    Democratic Jews have sold out their heritage. That’s a undeniable fact.
    Please read up other than CNN and NPR.
    If you are Jewish or if you are not. I don’t think you are a bad person, just molded PRODUCT OF YOUR society.
    Please think for your self.

  22. Jews never had such a good president and will never have. Jewish that vote Dem is because they are self hating Jews .i was really happy that president trump said it he was saying what a normal jew thinks every day trump we love you

  23. Hi from Israel. Milhouse touches on an important point. The American ethos allows for all sorts of groups (ethnicities, interests, etc.) but not for other nations, except for Indians. American Jews, including the frum, have bought into this with hardly any exceptions. This is why it’s so jarring to hear Trump refer to Bibi as “your Prime Minister” when talking to American Jews. It’s also why one flinches when Gentiles describe Bibi as a “co-religionist.” Test yourselves: Your kids’ study materials, your shul’s Shabbat handouts, even the topics of random conversation — of what “nationality” are they? I’d bet they’re 95% American. What I hear when I visit America is basically 100%.

  24. Like his policies or not, isn’t his comment insulting and dangerous? I do think he meant loyal to Jewish causes/Israel, but still, it’s our job alone to define the parameters of what it means to be a loyal Jew. We can’t give up our autonomy, can’t let him go there. 2nd, it’s dangerous for him to dictate that loyal Jews have to support him and his party. Since when in our history were we OK with leaders demanding our loyalty to party or politician? Ironic how we criticize German Jewry for their sense that their patriotism and loyalty to German culture would protect them. Even if you vote republican, why would you think publicizing your fielty to Trump, Republican party, or nationalism is so smart? We are allowing “the Jews” to be politicized, and Trump’s comments further do this. More and more it’ll be in the face of every American to decide if they are “for us” or “against us,” c’vs. Politicization forces even non-opponents to take sides, putting us all in the cross hairs. The hateful rhetoric we see often see on this site against the “other side” also does this. Good luck next time a Democrat is in office. Maybe Trump is supportive of some or lots of Jewish causes. But don’t forget that Israel is a prime interest of religious Christians, whom are much more numerous then us, and Trump needs their vote to win.

  25. Trump has been an amazing president, and we look forward to voting for him again.
    The economy is great and people can give more tzedaka, he is pro Israel and he commuted Rubashkins sentence. He is nominating anti murder/abortion judges to the bench.
    I could not have imagined a better president.

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