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Kuwaiti Ambassador’s son Charged in Jewish Abduction Case

arrested3.jpgPolish authorities have charged the Kuwaiti ambassador’s 23-year-old son with abducting three Jewish teenagers at a Warsaw hotel and claiming he had a bomb – as reported HERE on YWN.

The 23-year-old son of Ambassador Khaled Al-Shaibani, was charged with holding the teenagers against their will. The suspect has confessed and faces a suspended sentence of 10 months to three years.

The three teenagers were among about 10,000 people from around the world, mostly Jewish, who came to Poland to take part in the annual “March of the Living” held at the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

(Source: Associated Press)

5 Responses

  1. “…faces a suspended sentence of 10 months to three years.”
    what is the point of a sentence of any amount of time if it is suspended???

  2. This hooligan faces a “suspended sentence?” Why suspended? Think of what would have happened if not for the police R”L!!! He deserves to be in jail and rot

  3. It’s called diplomatic immunity. Only civilised countries adhere to it though. Think back to Tehran in 1979, the Yasser Arafat ordered execution of a US Ambassador in the Sudan…

  4. Didn’t the marchers see the signs in Golus Europa that said “Jews not welcome?”

    I’m not surprised. See the Baal Haturim at the end of Lech Lecho (Al pnei kul achav nafal Ayleh toldos Yitzchok) regarding ikvusa dimishicha.

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