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Iranian Jewish MP Blasts Israel

iran_shihab_3_range_2.gifAn Iranian Jewish leader on Wednesday said his community would not mark this week’s 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel , which he accused of “killing innocent” Palestinians.

“We are in complete disagreement with the behaviour of Israel,” Siamak Morsadegh, the incoming Jewish member of the Iranian parliament following a March election, told Reuters.”It is not related to us,” he said about Thursday’s celebrations in Israel to commemorate six decades of statehood. “We are Iranians. We have no relations with Israel.”

(Source: Reuters)

5 Responses

  1. The Iranian Kehilla is on very good terms with Satmar, who has extensive rescue history thru Rav Tov in helping Iranian Jewry.

  2. 2, do you mean to say that all Satmar talk that way? It is one thing to deny the illegitimacy of the political state; it is another to be over “lo sa’amod al dam raiecha” and deny a person a right to self defense. Only the NK’s do that, I thought.

  3. I meant to add that the reality is much more likely the scenario #1 describes. May those left experience rachamei Shamayim, and all of us join in kibbutz galiyos, bekarov.

  4. I’m sure he’s been forced by the jew loving israel loving goverment in Iran to say those things. ignore it.

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