UPDATED 11:30PM — TEHILLIM: Van Full Of Bochrim Overturns In North Carolina, One Is Critical

A van of Bochrim from a camp in Virginia overturned in North Carolina on Thursday night.

It happened at around 7:00PM, when a van carrying Bochrim part of Camp Chaburas Bain Hazmanim / Machaneh Richmond was involved in a crash while driving in North Carolina. The camp was reportedly returning from a trip jet-skiing when the crash happened on River Road near Post Office Road in Henrico.

An eyewitness tells YWN that there were around 13 Bochrim in the van. Some needed to be extricated from the vehicle.

One 18-year-old boy is in critical condition. He was taken to Halifax Regional Medical Center.

The Gaston Fire-Rescue-EMS says that upon arrival, 17 patients were found. Of the patients, 11 were non-urgent, five were urgent, and one was critical. Of the five urgent patients, one was found trapped inside of the multi-passenger van. Two rows of rear seats were removed by firefighters using hydraulic rescue cutters and reciprocating saws.

The Roanoke Wildwood Volunteer Fire Department called it a “chaotic scene”, and thanked the multiple agencies for working together to provide emergency care.

Please say Tehillim for:
Eliyahu Avraham Ben Keren — critical.
Yisroel Meir ben Yuta Nechama — serious.
Yitzchok ben Chana Raizel — moderate.

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7 Responses

  1. Eliyahu Avraham Ben Keren — critical.
    Yisroel Meir ben Yuta Nechama — serious.
    Yitzchok ben Chana Raizel — moderate.

    I wish all the victims a speedy recovery

  2. Refuah Shlaima B’Karov! I hope that the injured and their families will experience as little physical and financial pain as possible!

  3. The boys are from various mesivtas in the new york city area. Thank you to Misaskim for arranging a special van for the lesser injured bochrim to get back to Brooklyn.

  4. This should be corrected there were only 13 patients transported to the hospital I know first hand my son was there
    Thank you

  5. I am an immediate family member of Yisroel Meir ben Yuta Nechama and would like to thank everyone for their tefillos. B”H he as well as the other boys should be removed from the Tehillim list as they are all doing B”H very well and on the way to a full recovery. The only one still in serious condition is Eliyahu Avrohom ben Keren and please continue to daven for him.

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