ANOTHER NYPD SUICIDE: Eighth Case Just This Year

Another NYPD Officer died by suicide, making this the eighth incident so this year.

The 35-year-old was a seven-year veteran who temporarily was assigned to a detail surrounding Yankee Stadium. He reportedly killed himself at his home in Yonkers.

The officer left a note behind, the law enforcement official said.

He was off-duty at the time.

Of the eight NYPD officer suicides, six have happened since June.

NYPD Commissioner O’Neill recently called it a mental health crisis. There were four officer suicides in all of last year.

Earlier this month, the NYPD launched a task force to prevent officer suicides, and is now forming peer support teams to make the rounds at police precincts.

The EAU is made up of 17 officers that provide anonymous and confidential support 24/7 over the phone and in person.

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5 Responses

  1. can you imagine this is NYs finest? these guys pull Yidden over and give tickets but NOT TO OTHERS, the Pakistani guy who sped down Coney Island Avenue and KILLED a man due to his recklessness has been let go to his house with NO CHARGES!!!

  2. can you imagine this is NYs finest? these guys pull Yidden over and give tickets but NOT TO OTHERS,

    That’s a ridiculous lie.

    the Pakistani guy who sped down Coney Island Avenue and KILLED a man due to his recklessness has been let go to his house with NO CHARGES!!!

    And exactly the same thing would happen to a yid. Criminal charges require two moving offenses.

  3. The NYPD has 36k officers , and 19k other employees ( Wikipedia) I’m not sure that 8 so far this year is that different than the statistics in general population. Specially considering that many officers are veterans and or have ptsd, they also have weapons handy all day making a short term decision be very final in a moment.
    I don’t think the anti police comments by media and general liberal anti police rethotic helps

    I noticed most articles that talk about suicide give out a suicide prevention hotline for those considering suicide. Many who consider suicide I assume would gravitate towards suicide headlines, should those phone numbers or Jewish ones be added to frum articles ?

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