The “Great Shidduch Resume Leak” and Halacha

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

It was a story that was broken by Avital Chizhik Goldschmidt of the Forward, but first appeared on a Facebook page called “FrumGirlProblems.” Allegedly, a shidduch oriented entity advertises itself as having over 3000 quality shidduch resumes – but has allegedly obtained these resumes without the permission of the singles involved. The resumes are said to have been posted on the Internet.

The article quotes a single woman named Serena – who claimed that she had received an email from the entity that announced that her personal information had been added to a website she had never heard of – she was shocked. “I click the link, and I see a profile with my name, my picture, my age, my phone number and my email.. Some of the information was wrong, some of it was outdated. But it was all this personal information that I did not know how these people got. I did not give it to them and never heard of [them] before.”

The article claims that Serena was far from the only one whose personal information had been compromised.

To be fair, some have claimed that the organization is a legitimate one that just wants to help singles – and that it is lashon hara to say anything against them. Nonetheless, the website is still up and if there is a halachic problem involved – it should be taken down immediately.

To register for the service one must pay either a $50 or $100 annual fee and sign that he or she has agreed to a yet non-existent set of rules. The Forward article claims that there may be a Din Torah in the works (at Bais Din of America) and that many people are upset about the fact that they had never agreed to share their resumes with this group – who has posted it online.

If these allegations are true, the question arises as to what is the halacha here. Is this a violation of the Cherem Rabbeinu Gershom not to read someone else’s mail without their permission? Does it apply only to written letters or is an electronic email also included?  Does it apply to a Shidduch resume?

The Cherem Rabbeinu Gershom not to read someone else’s mail is found in the responsum of the Maharam MiRottenberg Vol. IV #1022. It is further cited in the responsum of the Maharam Mintz (Siman 102), the Kol Bo (Siman 116), and the Be’er HaGolah at the end of chapter 334 of the Yore Deah section of Shulchan Aruch. For more contemporary Poskim who deal with the Cherem Rabbeinu Gershom – see Dayan Weiss zt”l in his Minchas Yitzchak (Vol. IX #96) and lbc”l Rav Moshe Shternbuch shlita in his Teshuvos v’Hanhagos (Vol. III #386).


But what are the parameters of the Cherem?  On what basis was it made?  Is there a Torah prohibition involved?  The Maharam Ben Chaviv (1654-1696) in his responsa (Kol Gadol Siman 102) delineates the basis for Rabbeinu Gershom’s enactment.  He writes that Rabbeinu Gershom’s reason was a geder a protective measure – “shelo yeda sodos chaveiro – so that he not know the secrets of another person.”  It is still somewhat unclear, however, as to what is the prohibition involved in knowing the secrets of his friend.  In this author’s view it may be an abnegation of the Torah principle of ‘V’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha – you should love your neighbor as yourself.

The Mahari Chagiz (1620-1674) in his Halachos Ketanos (Vol. I #276) explains that it is a violation of lo sailech rachil b’amecha – do not be a gossiper among the Jewish nation.

Ra Chaim Palaji (1788-1868) in his Chokekei Lev (Vol. I #49) cites the aforementioned reasons and adds three more.  He adds Gneivas Daas, deceiving others; sho’el shelo midaas, borrowing without permission; and the third – a violation of the Gemorah in Yuma 4b that one cannot reveal information unless specifically given permission to do so.


The prohibition known as Gneivas Daas means fooling or deceiving others in physical practice. Here, it would mean that the person had thought only the original shadchan would see the resume and now the whole internet is seeing it.  The Gemorah in Chullin (94a) cites Shmuel as saying that the prohibition applies to everyone.  The examples there show that Gneivas Daas is violated even if there is a non-financial deception.


In regard to the verse of midvar sheker tirchak stay away from a false matter, there is a three way debate as to how we understand this pasuk. The Chofetz Chaim rules in his Ahavas Chessed that there is an out and out prohibition to lie. This is in accordance with the view of some Rishonim. Other Rishonim hold that the verse is merely good advice, but not halacha. A third opinion holds that it is applicable to judges adjudicating law. Generally speaking, the view of the Chofetz Chaim is normative halacha.

The prohibition of deceiving, however, is a clear out and out prohibition according to all opinions. According to the Sefer Yereim and the Ritvah it is a biblical prohibition. According to the SMaK the prohibition is derabanan. But all hold that it is a full blown prohibition.


Rav Palaji bases his thesis that it is a violation of borrowing without permission making him into a Gazlan –a thief on the view of Rav Chaim Shabtai (1550-1647) also known as the Maharchash in his Toras Chaim (Vol. II #47).  Essentially, every person is the owner of his own information and someone who misuses it is a thief.

The violation is actually stealing. The Talmud (Bava Basra 88a) records a debate between Rabbi Yehudah and the chachomim (sages) as to whether borrowing an item without permission renders a person into a gazlan – a thief, or whether he simply has the status of a borrower.

Rabbi Yehudah maintains that he does not have the halachic status of a thief, while the sages maintain that he does. The Rif and the Rambam both rule in accordance with the sages that he is considered a thief. Indeed, this is also the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch in at least four different places (CM 292:1; 308:7; 359:5; 363:5).

Does this apply in all cases? Here there is no value per se in reading someone’s resume. While this may be the case, the Chazon Ish (BK 20:5) writes that the prohibition of sho’el shelo midaas – borrowing without permission applies even when the item is not something that generally has a market value, and even if the value is less than that of a prutah.

But what about if the owner would have approved of it?  Don’t single people want to get married?  Can’t we assume that the single people would have wanted their shidduch profile in there? To this there are two responses.  Firstly, from the Forward article it seems that most people are not so happy that their shidduch resume has been exposed so publicly. Secondly, the Gemorah that our sixth grade sons always study may be instructive here.


Let’s go back to that famous debate between Abaye and Ravah. If a person would have given up hope on a lost item, but didn’t know yet that he lost it to have given up hope, did he give up hope? Abayeh says that he didn’t. Ravah says that he did. This is one of only six incidences in which we rule like Abayeh against Ravah.

So, in our case, where the single resume owner didn’t know about it yet, but would possibly have given permission, it doesn’t matter. We rule like Abayeh. Indeed, this is the position of the Tosfos in BM 22a “Mar Zutrah.” Even though the Shach (CM 358:1) writes that, if it were possible to say, he disagrees with the Tosfos, the overwhelming conclusion of halachic authorities is to remain with the ruling of the Tosfos. This is the conclusion of the Ktzos HaChoshain (358:1 and 262:1) as well as the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (182:13).


The Gemorah in Yuma cites in the name of Rabbi Masya the Great: From where is it derived that one who tells another some matter, that it is incumbent upon the latter not to say it to others until the former explicitly says to him: Go and tell others? It is from that which is stated: “And the L-rd spoke to him from within the Tent of Meeting, saying [lemor].” Lemor is a contraction of lo emor, meaning: Do not say. One must be given permission before transmitting information.

This Gemorah is cited by the Mogain Avrohom (OC 156:2) as halacha.  It is also cited by the Hagaos Maimonius (Hilchos Dayos 6:8), and the Sefer Mitzvos Gedolos (Lavin 9).  Seemingly, it is a halacha.

Yet, interestingly enough, the Chofetz Chaim in Sefer Chofetz Chaim (Klal 2 BMCh 27) writes that the Gemorah in Yuma is a Midah Tova b’Alma – merely a good character trait.  It is this author’s opinion that the Chofetz Chaim is arguing with the aforementioned Chofetz Chaim (but each person should check with his own Posaik or Rav on this matter).

The Five Towns Jewish Times interviewed Avital Chizhik Goldschmidt about what prompted her to write about the Shidduch Resume leak.  She responded with the following very wise insights:

“When several people tipped me off about this, I saw a powerful story both about the way we treat singles in the community (“as disposable,” as one source told me) — and about the way we tend to treat online information.”

She continued, “We must ask a sender’s consent in order to forward their personal information; I think that with our zeal to set people up, we forget just how vulnerable a person is when they send you a shidduch resume. All of us who are trying to make shidduchim want to help people — but we ought to be careful not to hurt them along the way.”


It would seem that there are at least 4 and possibly 5 halachic violations involved in commandeering other people’s resumes without their permission and exposing them to an online community. If this was actually done here, in this author’s opinion, the owners of the website should immediately place the website on hold until they get permission from the resume owners. Until then they may be in violation of some very serious prohibitions.


The author can be reached at [email protected]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. Maybe I’m not understanding fully but how did this individual obtain this information. I assume that people put stuff on Facebook Instagram or other type of public forms isn’t that a public forum

  2. If this is the way a posek approaches no-brainer issues, we are all in big trouble.
    Every single one of the posek’s issurim can easily be neutralized.
    It is so obvious that what was done with these resumes is wrong, that breaking it down like a halachah in Shabbos or kil’ayim is a mistake.

    So why is it wrong?
    ואהבת לרעך כמוך

  3. I don’t understand. I believe this article is all based on the notion that someone accessed data in a manner that is against halacha or the law. But the truth is this is not the case in this story or in general when it comes to resumes or anything you email or message someone.

    If someone sends you a message or a picture you are permitted to do just about anything you want with it both according to halacha and privacy laws. You now own that info.

    The only time this entire debate even has a place is where someone sent info to someone and explicitly stated that only that person can view it and it must not be forwarded to anyone else. In this case, you would be prohibited from forwarding the info.

    EVERYONE knows that once you click the send button on the email or messaging you no longer own that info and it can end up anywhere. This is the default. If you don’t like it you must specify that it’s for your eyes only.

    So in all probability, all the resumes and pictures mentioned in this article were actually obtained legally and therefore 100% ok to view and continue sharing and passing along.

    Just remember you don’t get to call a newly married couple and demand they remove you from their wedding album. You simply don’t own that and have no say on it. The resume is no different so long as you obtained it properly.

  4. Fat36 – This individual obtained the resumes from a shadchan who shares resumes with other Shadchanim via email. Those resumes had consent to be shared in that manner.

    This new individual got a hold of hundreds of resumes and uploaded them to his own website, without asking consent from the singles. The singles did not know about this new website and did not give any consent for their information to be shared publicly on a website. When the singles asked to be removed, he demanded money for their “membership” and then would agree to remove them. That’s extortion.

    In addition, this individual has displayed many inappropriate actions toward singles. Many of the actions are misleading and deceitful. He has WhatsApp groups where he charges people for their resumes to be posted. Nice, well meaning idea except it has left many people hurt in the process. If anyone questions him or gives feedback or raises concerns, he blocks them and removes them from the group. There’s a severe lack of empathy and sensitivity with the actions of this group. He’s a one man show, claims to have other staff members, but they are just stock photos pulled from google and made up names. He has Facebook profiles to go along with these names but they are all him pretending to be other people. He uses these Facebook profiles to harass and threaten anyone who shares a negative experience.

    -He recently deleted the reviews on the Facebook page for the organization because ppl were leaving honest feedback and he didn’t want it to be known.

    -He has also sent fake Shidduch resumes to garner interest in his operation. Google search of the photo of the eligible bochur came up as a stock photo, and the email address provided was nonexistent. This is wrong on many levels.

    -Until today he had a list of shadchanim on his site, but 99% of them had no idea who he was and didn’t consent to their names being posted in his site.

    -He shares Mazel Tov announcements w the group watermark on the photos. His group did not make those shidduchim. He takes the photos from elsewhere online.

    -The individual behind this may have had good intention when he first began but he lacks the sensitivity and emotional maturity to be working w singles in this capacity.

    -Kudos to Avital and R’ Hoffman for taking a stand for yashrus and our singles.

  5. @Fat36
    So probably someone was redd a shidduch, had the resume. Wasn’t interested so gave it to someone else, etc. and then someone else put it on line. A resume is private not to be passed around.

  6. The guy is a lowlife that we understand. but shouldn’t the faults also be put on Those who are passing it around. The ones who were passing it around shouldn’t they Take some of the Responsibility depending on what form they used to pass it around.Again how did you get a hold of it

  7. Leave the halacha out. There may be serious violations or not, but there’s another point.

    There’s such a thing as being nivul within the halacha. We aren’t just required to be “within the halacha.” We need to also be menstchen. And putting someone else’s private information up on a website without their permission isn’t mentschlich, no matter what the halacha or the civil law say. The intentions may be good, but the means definitely are not. Would you like someone to do it to you or your daughter/son?

    Of course not. The website owners should take down the site until they get permission from anyone whose information they put up to do so. No rocket science or pilpul needed. “Don’t do to anyone else what you wouldn’t want them to do to you.”

  8. Like everyone said above. There’s letter and then there’s also the spirit of the law. Basic menshlichkeit, emes and yashrus are missing in most interactions w this “Shidduch initiative” – that I have heard about. And there are many.

    He obtained the resumes from a shadchan’s database. He has NO permission to take hundreds of them and upload them to a PUBLIC website, releasing the singles personal information and contact info to the world. Aside from this major breach of privacy, his other actions are inappropriate and not emesdik.

    His group has become a moneymaker for him, preying on singles vulnerability.

    The main thing is he should be stopped and cease operation. There is no board, system of checks and balances and doubtful if any of his actions are guided by a rabbi or someone more experienced person in this arena.

    An additional story – One person publicly shared how she was stalked after her resume was shared in a WhatsApp group, a quick google search revealed the guy messaging her is a registered sex offender. When she complained to the sole admin, she was blocked and removed from the WhatsApp group w no responsibility or actions taken by the admin. This is dangerous.

    It opens a larger discussion about the sensitivity levels of dealing with singles as people and also about handling their dating profiles in a sensitive manner.

    It also opens a community discussion about protecting the safety of our singles and who will step up to ensure people like this do not continue to operate under false pretenses.

    Who will advocate for the singles when they’re being taken advantage of or when they’re being dealt with dishonestly?

    So far Avital Chizik-Goldschmidt and Rabbi Hoffman have bravely stepped for with voices of truth and reason.

  9. Ralph- your last line is the bottom line here – the resumes were NOT obtained properly. He stole them from someone else’s database. Without permission.

    If he called each single and asked consent first, that would be a different ballgame and this article wouldn’t have been published.

  10. Seems like a frum version of JDate w/o the bother of even having to post your information. Another reason to do your own social connections and avoid shadchonim who may be clueless regarding how to secure the information you share with them.

  11. If one must pay for obtaining the information on the site why is that called public? Who in the frum world would pay $50-$100 just to see some girls resume? The only ones that would invest in gaining access to such a platform is a shadchan. This investment may pay off if they can secure a shidduch from the information they obtain from this site. It is only to a single girls benefit that a dedicated shadchan now has her information.
    One thing I don’t understand from this story is why did they email the girl to let her know that they uploaded her info?

  12. ralph
    Your reasoning is wrong.
    “If someone sends you a message or a picture you are permitted to do just about anything you want with it both according to halacha and privacy laws. You now own that info.”
    That’s simply false. If someone send you a photo, you DON’T own it. The creator of that photo still owns it. That’s basic copyright law. And if someone sends you their personal info with the intent that it be used only for a specific purpose, and you’re reckless with that info and that person is hurt by your negligence, YOU can be sued.

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