STRIKE THREE: Another Gunpoint Robbery Near Boro Park By Same Two Suspects [VIDEO OF SUSPECTS]

For the third time in one week, the same two suspects committed another armed robbery in the Boro Park area.

The latest incident took place on Tuesday night near Ocean Parkway and Caton Avenue at around 11:00PM. The suspects approached a man walking, pointed a gun at him, and stole his iPhone. The suspects fled into the nearby subway station.

The previous two incidents occurred this past Sunday at 14th Avenue and 55th Street, and the first one was last Wednesday at 12th Avenue and 46th Street.

In all three incidents, the robberies were conducted next to the subway, where the suspects had just exited from – and ran back to after the robbery.

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In all three incidents, the NYPD and Boro Park Shomrim canvassed the area, but were unsuccessful.

Boro Park Shromim tell YWN that they have increased their patrols and that people should be aware of their surroundings, and immediately report any suspicious activity to 911 and then the Boro Park Shomrim 24 hour emergency hotline at 718-871-6666.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Where are our donut eaters to protect us? Where are their superiors? Busy giving parking tickets? Looking over their pension plan sitting in Dunkin Donuts?

  2. Not geting involved, your comment is disgusting and vile. Im sorry you got a ticket you feel you didn’t deserve but get a grip and stop slandering the police.

  3. i think we ahould post these pictures all over the subways…..even though its not clear it may scare them off if they saw it.

  4. With quality video footage like that, we can narrow the suspects considerably. They clearly were males, so that eliminates half the population. Their height could probably be estimated, if we compare it to another person or object in other footage whose height is known. After that, I can’t even tell what race they are.

  5. Oh Baltimore is so unsafe because there are armed robberies.This stuff doesnt happen in New York which is so much safer.Oh wait,what. Newsflash armed robbery in Boro Park

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