Trump Blasts NYT For Changing Headline Under Pressure From ‘Radical Left Democrats’

The following is via Fox News:

President Trump took The New York Times to task Wednesday for changing the headline of its lead article about his remarks on the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton after taking heat from the left for not being critical enough toward him.

After Trump delivered an address in the aftermath of the deadly shootings, in which he condemned racism and white supremacy, the newspaper planned a front-page story with the headline, “Trump urges unity vs. racism.” Amid a storm of criticism on social media, including from top Democratic presidential candidates, the newspaper later altered it to the more critical: “Assailing hate but not guns.”

“’Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism,’ was the correct description in the first headline by the Failing New York Times, but it was quickly changed to, ‘Assailing Hate But Not Guns,’ after the Radical Left Democrats went absolutely CRAZY!” Trump tweeted.

“Fake News – That’s what we’re up against,” Trump continued, noting, “After 3 years I almost got a good headline from the Times!”

The Times made the change after getting slammed by high-profile Democrats including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and 2020 hopefuls Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has feuded with Trump as well as leadership in her own party, retweeted an image of the original story while essentially accusing the Times of helping white supremacy.

“Let this front page serve as a reminder of how white supremacy is aided by – and often relies upon – the cowardice of mainstream institutions,” she said.

Gillibrand retweeted the same image and said, “That’s not what happened,” while O’Rourke simply said, “Unbelievable.”

In light of the headline change, Trump also quoted former Clinton adviser Mark Penn, who told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson “I’ve never seen anything like this,” and questioned, “Is that journalism today?”

The president later cited a report from One America News Network that the shooter in Dayton “had a history of supporting political figures like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and ANTIFA,” and urged greater media coverage.

(Source: Fox News)

10 Responses

  1. What else to expect from the “newspaper” that helped Hitler (yamach shmo) to carry out Holocaust and still fueling Jew-hatred that resulted in San Diego shull shooting.

  2. MoisheinGolus: your words are despicable. The ones who helped Hitler were YOUR right wing friends in Hungary, Slovakia, France, Ukraine and more. The NY Times can be criticized for its coverage of the Holocaust but to accuse it of “helping Hitler’ is a calumny. And the killer of the Pittsburgh Jews that you so conveniently forget was a rabid right winger who hated the Jews. And so were the thousands of antisemites walking with torches in Charlotteslville, a la Nurnberg, shouting “Jew, you will not replace us”. ALL RIGHT WING THUGS ND ANTISEMITES.

  3. rabbiofberlin, Hitler was one of your fellow Socialist, do not get involved in revisionist history. I know it is difficult for you to handle the truth when your favorite Fake News outlet is exposed with having Jewish blood on their hands. And please, get new updated talking points from DNC , Charlotteslville hoax was discredited many month ago.

  4. The nyt is a piece of drack. It was owned by self hating Jews. It was and is leftist as can be. However what happen today
    showed you can’t trust a word they say.They will bow to the further left to continue publish. Let it fold. I having read it in 30 years and will never read it again

  5. YITZCHOKY, if NYT folds then where fakerabbiofberlin and other nutcase on this forum will get their news from?

  6. It shows the depth of insanity of trump supporters that ‘moisheingolus” can state with a straight face; “Charlottesville was a hoax”. You are in bed now with all the Holocaust deniers who also call the Holocaust “a hoax” . No, thank you, I will not join that putrid club.

  7. fakerabbiofberlin, it is you and your fellow self-hating “Jews” who are in bed with Holocaust denials like AOC, Ilhan Omar and Rahida Tlaib. Attributing Charlottesville hoax to trump was debunked long time ago.

  8. The deeper you lie, the more outrageous are your insults and lies. The deeper you delve into your warped psyche, the more bizarre are your comments.

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