IT’S OVER: AOC-Backed Candidate Tiffany Cabán FInally Concedes To Melinda Katz In DA Race

Photo Source: Fox 5 NY

Public defender Tiffany Caban has conceded the Queens District Attorney race, more than a week after Queens Borough President Melinda Katz was declared the winner.

The race had been the subject of a court challenge involving some of the dozens of contested ballots cast in the primary race between Katz and Caban.

Cabán told supporters on Tuesday night that her campaign was conceding after a judicial review of disputed ballots didn’t significantly alter Katz’s slim lead in the tightly contested race.

99 of the 114 unopened and invalidated affidavit ballots were reviewed Tuesday by a judge at the Board of Elections in Queens.

That includes 42 ballots that Caban challenged during the manual recount and 28 that Katz challenged.

Caban had said if the more than 100 invalidated paper ballots are counted she could come out ahead in the end.


6 Responses

  1. Katz has won the Democratic primary – by a whisker, one New York tabloid wrote.

    Now it is time for Queens Republicans to demonstrate that they understand the importance of a competent, non-political district attorney and put up a candidate that is actually qualified for the job. If they do, they will get this registered Democrat’s vote.

    Neither Katz nor Caban is/was genuinely qualified for the job. Maybe Katz will grow into it, but why not start with a qualified DA?

  2. In truth Orthodox Jews just complain but fail to vote
    But in this election the third candidate with no chance of winning syphonEd off much of Katz’s vote.
    Almost like he was playing into the socialist hands

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