NEW FOOTAGE: Dayton Gunman In Bar In The Hours Before Shooting

Security camera footage obtained exclusively by CNN shows Connor Betts’ movements on the night of the Dayton gunman’s mass shooting.

Betts spent more than an hour at Blind Bob’s bar after entering with a woman who appears to be his sister Megan and a third person, according to the video reviewed by CNN.

Connor Betts, 24, does not stand out; he is dressed like others at the bar in T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. The vest and mask he will wear later during the shooting are not visible.

The three can be seen entering the Dayton bar at approximately 11:09 p.m. ET on Saturday night. The footage shows Connor Betts walking in first, being carded and getting a wristband, then waiting for the two others to enter. He is seen on the surveillance camera moving to the patio and back to the bar.

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10 Responses

  1. This video should not be shown in the media. This is precisely what many mass murderers want – to be (in)famous. I agree with officials in several places after mass murders where they refused to utter the name of the killer. By showing it the media are simply giving more incentive to possible future killers.

    Please take this video down and replace it with an article commemorating the victims, not publicizing the criminal.

  2. So, who is shocked, shocked that a mass murderer has a few drinks before he does his mass murdering? Did the bar have a violent video game – Trump and the gun protectors think that’s the problem.

  3. huju. it is not ‘a violent video game” that is responsible, it is Pocahontas, Bernie Sundress, Antifa that drove him to murder.

  4. MIG- no you’re wrong, I read that the murderer loved chulent with kishke, that must be the reason he did it.
    What does Warren or the price of tea in China have to do with this shooting? Some people are evil criminals and commit crimes without a political agenda. (Not the case in El Paso or Charlottesville) Do people rob banks because of Bernie? Meshuga

  5. So, MoisheInGreatneck, you disagree with Trump that the El Paso shooter was influenced by violent video games. So you and I are on the same page. As Victor Laszlo said, welcome to the fight, this time I know our side will win.

  6. huju, El Paso shooter had more in common with Crazy Bernie and insane AOC who wanted to redistribute income “equally” and save the planet from “climate change”. He also would make a honorary member of Planned Parenthood because his issue with Mexicans was that reproduce a lot.

  7. To moisheinglenrock: I don’t where you get your information. Maybe you should wear a tinfoil yarmulke to protect yourself from false information coming from outerspace.

  8. huju, unlike you i do deal with facts and sources, just read the shooter manifesto. If you stop getting your news from Fake News CNN and MSNBC you will also be better informed., but i doubt your level of intelligence will be capable .

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