The NYPD awarded the dedicated volunteers of Flatbush Shomrim last week, for their assistance in arresting a dangerous child predator – just before Pesach [as reported HERE on YWN].
The awards were given at the 70th Precinct Community Council meeting, by Captain Peter Venice of the 70th Pct, and were presented to: FSSP Coordinator Naftoli Rosenberg; Avrumy Weinreb; Tzvi Weill; and Josh Augenbaum.
Chaim Deutsch, President of Flatbush Shomrim, then addressed the audience, and thanked all the dedicated members for a job well done. He ended off his speech by expressing his deepest appreciation to the members who received this most deserving award.
Click HERE to watch a video of Shomrim receiving the award, and click HERE to see some photos.
2 Responses
Shomrim rocks
Shomrim does it again! Keep up the great work shomrim!!! A special thank you to Naftoli Rosenberg Of Heichal Judaica for your great work with last weeks assistance in arresting a dangerous child predator. You deserved the award! Keep up all your great work for the community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!