MJHS Set to Honor Key Legislators and Community Activists at Community Leadership Breakfast on May 16th

mjhs.gifA number of key legislative and community leaders will be honored with special awards at the 4th Annual Community Leadership Breakfast of Metropolitan Jewish Health System on Friday May 16th at Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center on Tenth Avenue (at 50th Street). The breakfast traditionally brings together a cross section of leaders from the community, government, and business to pay tribute to individuals who have played a major role in advancing health care for the frail and elderly.

The MJHS 2008 Legislative Leadership Awards will be presented to Assemblyman Alec Brook Krasny and Councilman Michael Nelson. Assemblyman Brook Krasny is an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, who has emerged as an outstanding legislator with a broad focus on the welfare of the elderly, health care, and education. Councilman Nelson, who represents the 48th Council District, is a former member of the Council’s Aging Committee and Chair of its Senior Centers Subcommittee. He has been a forceful spokesman for the elderly and frail in the community.

The MJHS 2008 Community Leadership Awards will be bestowed on Rabbi Shmuel Steinharter, the Executive Director of Bikur Cholim of Boro Park and Dr. Marcel Biberfeld, Vice President, Psychiatry/Community Services at Maimonides Medical Center. Bikur Cholim is a major service provider in the community with multiple programs for the sick and their families. Dr. Biberfeld has been an important figure in bringing quality health care to the community. He has played an important role in serving as an ombudsman for those who need quality health care services.

Eli Feldman, President and CEO of Metropolitan Jewish Health System said that “the breakfast is a unique opportunity to voice our gratitude to the heroes who are on the front lines in making sure that quality health care for the population we serve continues to improve.” Shmuel Lefkowitz, Chairman of the Board of MJHS called the relationship between MJHS and many key legislative leaders “a partnership that results in a better quality of live for thousands in the community.”

(MJHS is a recognized leader in the field of integrated health care. MJHS’ participating agencies and programs have a century of health care experience and serve over 40,000 individuals and their families in the Greater Metropolitan New York area. The services of MJHS include Managed Care, Home Care, Hospice, Palliative Care, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Independent Living, Adult Day Health Care and Research.)

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