Chaim Deutsch “Parking Legislation” Passes City Council

A bill sponsored by Councilman Chaim Deutsch that will open up existing parking spots for New York City drivers was passed by the City Council this week, with a unanimous vote in favor.

Around every school building in the City are parking regulations that are intended to make student drop-off and pick-up safer by not allowing parking during school hours. These signs will generally say “NO PARKING SCHOOL DAYS”. During summer months, these regulations can often confuse drivers, who are unaware if they are permitted to park near a school building, because there is no public information that indicates where active summer sessions are taking place.

Deutsch’s bill aims to resolve this with transparency, requiring the Department of Education to compile a list of all summer sessions in New York City schools. The Department of Transportation will then be required to list which of those buildings have active parking restrictions. These lists will be made publicly available by June 30th of every year, so that drivers can easily search a location or call 311 to determine if it is permissible to park there during summer daytime hours. This will ultimately free up thousands of parking spots across the City, in areas surrounding public and charter school buildings.

The lists will also be made available to the Traffic Department, to prevent unwarranted violations from being issued to legally parked cars. With the current system, a driver who receives a violation for parking in a school zone would only be able to fight the summons by receiving a letter from the school administration indicating that they do not have active summer sessions. This process can often be time-consuming and frustrating.

“Lack of parking is a serious struggle for drivers throughout New York City, particularly in areas where there is a lack of mass transit access,” said Councilman Chaim Deutsch. “Opening up hundreds of existing parking spots throughout the City is an easy way to relieve that burden, at least for part of the year. Here in our city, the day to day pressures and stress can be overwhelming. I’m proud to have been able to pass a bill that endeavors to tackle that, and make life just a little bit easier for my fellow New Yorkers.

This bill, known as Introduction 0084, will take effect on September 1, 2019.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. To WgFTD2 WRONG! The idiots are elitists and liberals like you that think cars must be off the streets even if you need it for business or have a large family. The same mindset is for plastic bags, fur, animal rights etc. They have different reasons for each but the root is if I think something is no good then the whole world must agree with me.

  2. It’s heartwarming to see such news!

    Feels great to know that we have community leaders that take time and effort, to ease the burden of leading our daily lives!

    Keep going Chaim Deutch!!!

  3. The comment above does not make this site so “yeshivish.” We don’t communicate like that.

    My take: Chaim I’m jealous of you fan-eden. As a councilman you have the opportunity to to kindness with mankind on a grand scale.

    Thank you. Keep it up!

  4. BIG DEAL! Small fix for the summer. Can someone have an idea to have more parking all year round? Like houses must have enough parking for all tenants? Or the city should buy empty lots and create municipal parking? This is a small fix a limited amount of spaces for a limited amount of time. No thanks from me.

  5. A yeshiva in my neighborhood already got around this by having the DOT change from no parking school days to no parking sunday to Friday 7am to 7pm.

    We are our own worst enemy sometimes.

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