Police Storm Warsaw Hotel Room, Free Three Captive Jewish Teens

swat-team-10a.jpgPolish police on Monday overpowered and arrested a 23-year-old man who had taken three Jewish teenagers hostage at a hotel in Warsaw. Staff at the Holiday Inn had seen the man drag three teenage members of an Israeli tour group into a hotel room shortly after 9:00AM local time.

The foreign man, now identified as 23-year-old Mohammad A., claimed that he had a bomb, and threatened to blow them up. The three Brazilians – originally identified as Israelis – were Boruch Hashem unharmed, as police stormed the room just before 10:00AM and took the suspect into custody without further incident.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. Let’s see… the perp’s name is Muhammed…hmm…must certainly be an American christian! Better call CNN. Quick!

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