Queens: Assault in Main Street Candy Store

q arrest.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) Two thugs entered the “Main Sweet” candy store [located at 72-54 Main Street] at approximately 6:30PM Sunday afternoon, and assaulted the store owner – apparently in an attempt to rob the store. The store owner began to chase the two men down the busy Avenue. A Queens Hatzolah member, who himself is a store owner nearby, witnessed the foot pursuit, and assisted the store owner in apprehending the men until the NYPD 107th Pct arrived and placed them under arrest.

A Queens Hatzolah ambulance was dispatched to the scene, and although the store owner was Boruch Hashem was not seriously injured, he was transported to NY Hospital of Queens for evaluation.

(YW-104 . YW-HPO)

5 Responses

  1. In a way, we should only hope that the store owner was not to victorious in “apprehending” the perpetrators. In the politically correct world that we live in, depending on the nationality of the victim, he might be charged with assault.

    In truth simply put, it’s the only logical way to comprehend the concept of Sodom’s reverse justice – liberalism.

  2. I used to live in Queens and know the owner of the store. Great guy. B”H he’s okay. Way to go in catching the thugs!!

  3. AWESOME!!!!! So nice to see that ppl still have good old fashioned COURAGE out there. Yashar Koach! (Ignore the forthcomming “you did the wrong thing you could have been hurt blah blah blah commments from spineless ppl- you guys are heroes!)

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