Agudath Israel Removes “Siyum App” After Roshei Yeshiva Complain About Undermining Technology Message

Statement from Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America:

Leaders of Agudath Israel of America were recently contacted by a number of Roshei Yeshiva, Mechanchim and Rabbanim from across America who expressed concerns about the “Siyum App” introduced by the Agudah in conjunction with the upcoming 13th Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi.

The original intent behind the Siyum App was להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה: to encourage and facilitate Torah learning among the broad hamon am by making Daf Yomi shiurim and other forms of limud haTorah easily accessible to the masses. The Siyum App was never intended to encourage those who do not have “smartphones” to start using them; it was meant for those who already do use smartphones, and who now would have an opportunity to use the App to start or increase their own kvias itim la’Torah. In this respect, the Siyum App was designed with similar goals as were the several other special learning initiatives developed in advance of the upcoming Siyum HaShas – for example, Chavrei HaSiyum and Masmidei HaSiyum, which have already resulted in a major increase in limud haTorah among young and old alike, and which will be’H continue to do so in the months leading up to the Siyum and beyond.

Despite these good intentions, as news of Agudas Yisroel’s sponsorship of the Siyum App spread, we received communications from a number of respected Roshei Yeshiva, Mechanchim and Rabbanim that the Siyum App was undermining the message they were trying to convey to their talmidim and baalebatim discouraging smartphone usage whenever possible. They pointed out that Agudas Yisroel’s sponsorship of an app, even one designed to promote limud haTorah, conveys the misimpression that the Agudah and the Gedolei Torah who stand at its helm view smartphone usage as a “l’chatchila” for all segments of the Torah community. This, they argued, was inconsistent with – and harmful to – their efforts to discourage such usage within their kehilos and yeshivos.

We brought these concerns to the attention of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America. The chavrei ha’Moetzes agreed that the concerns were well taken. They acknowledged that many people may need to use smartphones for business or other necessary purposes, presumably with appropriate filters, and that there already exist several apps that promote limud haTorah. Nonetheless, they felt, an organization like Agudas Yisroel – whose hallmark has always been uncompromising fealty to da’as Torah and the highest Torah standards – must avoid taking any steps that could be misinterpreted as encouraging those who do not need smartphones to start using them.

Accordingly, at the direction of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Agudas Yisroel has withdrawn the Siyum App. We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding.

Looking forward to joining with you this coming ד’ טבת, January 1st, dancing together at the Siyum Hashas לכבוד התורה ולומדיה ולקדש שם שמים!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. I guess the overwhelming success of YU Torah is not proof of what is required in the current world. If you measure the mobility of people 150 years ago versus today, the need for updated technology is clear. the downside of chadash assur min ha-torah when circumstances change should be clarified.

  2. Perfect illustration of everything wrong with that world. There’s good and holy and the bais medrash and bad and treif and outside it.
    Gevald. What amazes me most about that system is how they fit all of hkbh inside those walls.

  3. While I strongly disagree with the notion that providing such Apps will result in a significant increase in the useage of smart phones by those not already using them, I can understand th logic of Zweibel’s statement regarding the optics of offering the App while many rabbonim seek to discourage useage. The statement itself is a very artfully drafted document that is respectful to all and provides a very transparent explaination for the action taken.

  4. When our Gedolim give advice, when they guide or when they give tochachah, even when not asked, they are NOT complaining as stated with such insensitivity in the headline. They are providing Daas Torah.

  5. In the USA most charadim have smart phones and the app would be great, but in Israel, the charadim are against the smart phone.

    Live life and lump it …..

  6. By releasing the Siyum app Agudas Yisroel showed that it was living up to the central vision of its mandate, that is expanding Torah learning. The other activities Aguda pursues so well, such as Government advocacy are worthless without Torah. Unfortunately, Agudas Yoisrel has now moved backwards. Take a look at the majority of the mispallelim at any Aguda shul and you will see the majority with smartphones. What, it is good to use a smartphone to make money but not learn Torah. Such hypocrisy!

  7. Oh! What a Pity!

    Such a golden opportunity lost for Harbotzas Hatorah!

    Does not Chazal say that Gold and Silver were created in the world just for the Bais Hamikdosh?!

    Apps and internet were created for the purpose as tools to serve Hashem even stronger and greater (With Shiyurim on line, etc etc) and reach the masses.

    Everything created one has to utilize for Kedusha.

    By banning this is like shooting yourself in your own foot.

    Now it will be lost.


  8. What a shame. Who takes the responsibility for thousands upon thousands of hours of MISSED TORAH learning! And those with Smartphones will be doing something else at the time they would have engaged with this beautiful app!
    The whole filter business is a mistake.
    Instead of filters, teach kinderlach self control. The Internet age is upon us. Internet will be in everything and you can’t turn it off, or filter it out. What happens to someone that was ‘forced out of the Internet’ with filters, when he once has unfiltered access to the Internet?
    Anyhow, there is a lot to be said on this topic, and not here is the place for raging debates on this.
    But what a shame that they caved to pressure and pulled the app.

  9. By this logic no shul should allow any art scroll gemaras to be used as bochurim will think it’s a lechatchila.

  10. @YITZCHIK2 – Who was talking about the ArtScroll SHa”S? What does it have to with the overwhelming consensus of Rabbonim (and Jewish and Non-Jewish professionals as well) that technology is having a negative effect on the younger generation. Increased depression. Lower self-esteem. Not to mention the open and free market of the gimel aveiros chamuros. Ergo the Moetzes – our leaders, our eyes – have suggested ways to curb its use. What connection does that have to the SHa”S? The SHa”S that the vast majority of the gedolim of the previous generation encouraged.

  11. @Shlepper – “Instead of filters, teach kinderlach self control.” Very good point, one I personally heard from past gedolim. But remember, ein apitropus la’arayos.

    But also remember, we are not discussing smartphones. We are not discussing internet. We are not even discussing limud and harbatzas ha’Torah.

    The only thing being addressed in the letter, and by the move, is the message, HOWEVER SUBTLE, that the very same tools the leaders of this very important arm of the greater body of Kenesses Yisroel discourage when possible, was being encouraged. The end. Clear. Understandable.

  12. @Klal Yisroel – This has NOTHING to do with banning. If you want to discuss the reasons, the chochamah and seichel, the pure Daas Torah, and the common sense as to why our Chachomim (and the vast majority of non-Jewish educators and professionals agree with them) advise strongly to curb (filtering or complete removal) Internet use / access, discuss with them, with educators, with your Rav, or simply research the topic, or start a discussion in the Coffee Room. But this action of AIA has nothing to do with this.

  13. @shauli — OnContrair. By the very fact that they produced such an app in the first place, means that they are NOT with this ‘common sense’ (whose common sense? yours?) line of thinking.
    How can the Agudah design, and produce such an app (thousands of man hours!) with total disregard and ignorance of the huge asifos against Smartphones, etc.? Eleh Mai, Agudah held, like Chabad, that it is correct to do so.
    So the cat is out of the bag, THIS WAS HOW THE PURE DAAS TORAH of the many many rabbonim in the Agudah held.
    All of a sudden they changed their mind? They didn’t know? It’s only that they wern’t in the mood of yet another public fight over this issue, now that the ‘holy askonim’ started making noise. Regardless if this was the correct move or not, the Daas Torah of the Chachomim of Agudath Israel is clear. And rightfully so.
    As I originally said, this is not the place for a fiery debate, but I am not stam posting. More than 90% of Torah I learn during the week, is via a SmartPhone or Tablet (or Desktop-web site/app), and was very happy to see the wonderful app. It would have definitely increased at least an hour a day of learning for me.
    And THAT’s where I am coming from.
    Bli Neder, my final post on this thread. Thank you and let’s all have a great Shabbos!

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