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Yeshiva of Spring Valley Gets Approvals For Expansion

The Journal News reports that Yeshiva of Spring Valley has cleared a hurdle toward its construction of a new 104,000-square-foot, two-story elementary school at the former Van Riper Farm near Rockland Community College.

The town’s Planning Board gave final approval to the site, after about two years of wrangling over whether catering should be allowed at the school, and if so, how large the catered affairs could be.

Potential traffic and noise were among the concerns of a group of residents living behind the 10.9 acres planned for the yeshiva. They were not opposed to the school, but questioned its catering capacity.

One resident apparently convinced the town that the catering plans should be trimmed.
While the initial plans called for as many as 600 seats, the resident suggested a maximum of 400 seats, the same limit the town placed on Congregation Bais Yaakov.

The Zoning Board of Appeals subsequently approved allowing no more than 400 people at catered events. It also restricted catering to three nights weekly, and required that the events must end at 11:00PM.

(Source: The Journal News)

7 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov and may they have continued success educating Children in Torah, midos and maysim tovim.

    re: 400 seats as opposed to 600 seats – this is good also in that it will save the money for the person making the simcha

  2. Mazel tov to all the askonim in Monsey who helped bring this to fruition.
    May they have siyata dishmaya to make sure that the building gets built b’shaah tova.
    Much continued Hatzlochoh to the choshuve hanhalah and in particular to Mr. Felix Adler caterer par excellance, mentch and ohev Yisroel.

  3. How about Bar Mitzvahs? I don’t think it’s very feasible- and what’s the problem, anyway? It’s’ right next to a college, and they have all sorts of parties and stuff.

  4. i wonder how much they had to greese christiphor st lawerence’s palm for this one eh!
    its all good im all for the expansion of yeshivas and shuls
    by the way its not an expansion its a new building

  5. the whole point of the 11 p.m curfew and the reduced seating was to make events impossible. i live on the block behind van ripers and what will be the new y.s.v boys and i understand why everyone on my block has spent countless hours on this. it’s meant to be a school, and no one opposes that, all my brothers went to y.s.v boys as did others on my block, the school is fine all thats opposed is that it become a simcha hall, because of two things, noise and of traffic, its allready takes a really long time to turn off my block becuase of rcc traffic this isnt gonna help plus they wont put up a traffic light and to add to it about 8 or 9 of the 17 houses on my block are home to doctors, now it will take them another 20 minutes in an emergency. so when you wonder why people are opposing, get the facts straight.

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