Leaked UK Memo Says Trump Axed Iran Deal To Spite Obama

A U.K. newspaper published more leaked memos from Britain’s ambassador in Washington on Sunday, despite a police warning that doing so might be a crime.

In one 2018 cable published by the Mail on Sunday, U.K. ambassador Kim Darroch says President Donald Trump pulled out of an international nuclear deal with Iran as an act of “diplomatic vandalism” to spite his predecessor, Barack Obama.

The memo was written after then-Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson visited Washington in a failed attempt to persuade the U.S. not to abandon the Iran nuclear agreement.

“The outcome illustrated the paradox of this White House: you got exceptional access, seeing everyone short of the president; but on the substance, the administration is set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism, seemingly for ideological and personality reasons – it was Obama’s deal,” Darroch wrote.

Darroch announced his resignation last week after the newspaper published cables in which he’d branded the Trump administration dysfunctional and inept. The White House responded by refusing to deal with him, and Trump branded the ambassador a “pompous fool” in a Twitter fusillade.

U.K. police are hunting the culprits behind the leak — and, contentiously, have warned journalists that publishing the documents “could also constitute a criminal offence.”

Yet both Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, the two contenders to become Britain’s next prime minister, have defended the media’s right to publish.

“We have to make sure that we defend the right of journalists to publish leaks when they are in the national interest,” Hunt said.

British officials have said they have no evidence that hacking was involved in the documents’ release, and that the culprit is likely to be found among politicians or civil servants in London.

Police are investigating the leak as a potential breach of the Official Secrets Act, which bars public servants from making “damaging” disclosures of classified material. Breaking the act carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison, though prosecutions are rare.


11 Responses

  1. Really u mean the deal was really good ? Are you kidding zero accountability for anything they do and you call that a deal

  2. Given Trump’s pathological hatred of Obama, this is no surprise. Is there anything that Obama did that Trump hasn’t at least attempted to undo?

  3. It’s the same ambassador who wrote the Trump administration is dysfunctional. After reading the latest revelation I wonder who is dysfunctional?
    PS. He resigned and is leaving now – good riddance.

  4. yehudayona
    Is there anything that Trump did that YOU don’t dislike? Oe that any democrat doesn’t dislike? Orbthat any activist judged=s don’t block?

  5. The Limeys are a strange jealous bunch of tea sippers. They laughed when the stupid Americans elected a black Kenyan as the President and now they fear that America will become great again under the leadership of President Donald Trump..

  6. galicianer, you assume that because I despise Trump, I’m a Democrat. I have voted for both Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. In 2016 I did a write in because I thought neither Hillary nor Trump should be president. Trump has done a few good things, but they’re far outnumbered by the bad things he’s done. I think history will judge Trump as one of the most corrupt and incompetent presidents.

  7. Trump is a spiteful person he destroys with no idea how to deal with the day after. Iran deal is only “Exhibit A”. He has done this repeatedly and is now doing the same thing with the ACA thereby endangering the health and finances of millions of Americans.

  8. Makes sense. Since Iran didn’t follow any of the deal, like firing missles, having death marches, etc. right after signing the agreement where they said they would do no such thing….and Europe gets all of those business deals, who would be against the Iran deal?
    Except someone rational and not corrupt?

  9. it was reported that Kim Darroch endorsed discredited Christopher Steele anti-Trump dossier. I am not surprised that conspiracy theorists are in the same company with Obama and his anti-American treasonous friends.

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