Hagaon HaRav Avigdor Miller ZATZAL On Hanging American Flag On July 4th – How Liberals Are “Reshaim Gemurim”

The following is a transcript of a question asked to Rav Avigdor Miller ZATZAL regarding the 4th of July – (From tape # 833 – July 1991):

QUESTION: Should a religious Jew hang a flag out on July 4th?

ANSWER: Let me tell you something, Fifty years ago I wouldn’t have spoken about that. I have been speaking more than fifty years in public but I didn’t speak about American flags. We don’t need it. Who needs American flags? It wasn’t necessary. But today I say, if you want to do it today, I say yasher koach.

Do you know why? Because all the reshaim are trampling on the flag, and they’re trying to desecrate America. You know why they’re burning the flag? You know why they’re desecrating the flag? Not because they’re good goyim trying to improve America; it’s because they are reshaim gemurim; the liberals are trying to ruin everything. And when that wicked Supreme Court permitted burning the American flag, and saying that the states cannot make a law against it, it was a desecration of America.

After all, America is a good country. We came from countries where we were persecuted, and this country gave us all the rights. I would say we should kiss the ground of America. I was in Europe for some time; I went to study in the yeshiva in Slobodka. And when came back, I saw even more that this was a blessed country; it’s a gift from Hashem to us. Shouldn’t we appreciate it?!

And therefore I say a Jew should hang out the flag. Yes; today, yes. I won’t say you’re a sinner if you don’t, but I think it’s a good thing to hang out the flag today. It’s not a contradiction, not a contradiction to being a frum Jew by any means. We hang out the flag from this shul on the Fourth of July.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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28 Responses

  1. If the Rav, Z’l was alive today and observed the corrupt, immoral, lying predator currently holding the leadership of the so called “conservative” political movement in the United States, Rav Miller would proudly call himself a progressive and embracing the moderate wing of the Democratic and Republican party (whatever is left of the latter).

  2. He hated liberals. He held they were Amalek.
    However, the reason to vote Republican (and he described it as a “mitzvah”) was because you voting AGAINST the liberals. Republicans aren’t good any more than goyim are good. To say “Repblicans are good” is probably an issur of “Lo Sinchanen.” They’re just not liberals.

    I’m paraphrasing from a tape I heard that was recorded in 1971:
    You look at where all the hippies and dregs of society are going – They are going to McGovern. So look at who’s running against him, and THAT’S your man. It’s a mitzvah to vote for Nixon. Tell your friends.

  3. How Liberals Are “Reshaim Gemurim” and even to an even greater extent:- Hagaon HaRav Avigdor Miller ZATZAL, the previous Godol haDor, was a “Tzaddik Gomur!!!!!!”

  4. “And when that wicked Supreme Court permitted burning the American flag and saying that the states cannot make a law against it, it was a desecration of America.”

    Justice Antonin Scalia was the deciding vote in Texas vs Johnson where the supreme court found that flag burning is a form of free speech protected by the first amendment. Justice Scalia was a conservative stalwart and remains a hero to the modern day political conservative movement. Justice Scalia was not a liberal.

  5. GH you are 100% wrong. He would’ve supported a president who takes against abortion, trans in the army, running a great economy, and is a great ally to the observant Jews. Go watch NBC.

  6. Gadol, I seriously doubt that. The Democratic Party of today holds for late term abortions (in some instances even when the baby is on the table), LGBTQ marriages, insulting the Holocaust, a growing number of Israel-hating Muslims (I have nothing against Muslims, but we aren’t talking about decent Congresswomen).

  7. 4th of July has always been an important day for my family. It marks the day that my parents received their citizenship papers and the day that two of my uncles went off to fight in WW2. I fly the flag every day, just as my parents did. At home my father would read the Declaration of Independence just before he took the flag down at night. Different families celebrate differently.

  8. Gadol, you mentioned the word immoral so lets take a look at Trump vs the left regarding immorality:


    Killing babies in their mother’s womb
    Men marrying men
    women marrying women
    men becoming women
    women becoming me
    support of terrorism
    support of antisemitism
    anti religious
    anti patriotism


    Against killing babies
    Again gays in the army
    against terrorism
    against illegal immigration

    Not sure how you think in your wildest dreams that the Rav would ever support the immoral corrupt left of today.

  9. We are all in agreement that the Republicans share our values more than the DemacRats. However, having said that I think it’s very important that in NYC we registrar as Democrats just that we have some relevance in the primaries. Look what happened now with Melinda katz in Queens and who knows who would have won in Flatbush if we didnt have enough Democrats voting for Farah Louis. In the regular elections do what you want.

  10. I doubt R Miller would have held that the 70 percent of yiidden who voted against the Trumpkopf were all “reshaaim'”….if so then perhaps we should just ignore this whole anecdote

  11. Gadolhadorahm, if the Rov was alive today he would start saying meshaberech or kadish for America after watching Democrat 2020 presidential debates.

  12. Gadolhadorah, you are also stupid and ungrateful woman: President Trump has done so much for Yidden in America and in Eretz Ysroel in his 2 years that none of the past presidents did over their full terms combined.

  13. Gadol, again wrong. The 70% you mention are by in large unaffiliated Jews (many are halachically not Jewish). Jews who intermarry, Jews who leave their money for the Arts and Music Academies when they pass, Jews who are against the fictitious “atrocities” Israel commits against Palestinians. We welcome all Jews, but the 70% you mention would rather be at a Yankee game on Shabbos than in shul. Get a grip on things, especially when things don’t go your way!

  14. Then alive perhaps the people would have behave themselves
    It’s hard to know what he would have held today And how he would have reacted to the social media age in
    But then he been alive people possibly would behave
    גברא דמסתפינא מיניה

    likelihood he would have cut off from both parties

  15. I doubt R Miller would have held that the 70 percent of yiidden who voted against the Trumpkopf were all “reshaaim’”….

    Actually he would say exactly that.

  16. It’s hard to know what he would have held today And how he would have reacted to the social media age in
    But then he been alive people possibly would behave
    גברא דמסתפינא מיניה
    likely he would have cut off from both parties

  17. @Gadolhatorah
    You are ridiculous.
    You are not a Gadol in the slightest.
    Don’t you dare decide what the Rov Zatza”l would hold.
    What do you know.
    You fight and create arguments and hate within us.
    Enough is enough.
    Delete your App

  18. Katanhatorah , you are suffering from Trump Derangement syndrome. The only cure is to come to your senses.

  19. Gadolhadorah, there is no doubt in my mind that you would have sided with Korach if you would have been there. And you know that’s true.

  20. Rabbi Miller would never have supported a man who publicly boasted about his infidelity, who was caught on tape boasting of nevalah, who turned presidential debates into lewd discussions, who mocked the looks of other candidates and their wives, who mocked disabled people, who is arrogant and egotistical, who lies numerous times a day, who never apologizes, who called neo nazi marchers fine people, who has repeatedly failed to call out antisemitism when it comes from his supporters, who falls in love with murderous despots, who disregards intelligence based on his very smart brain, who inflames racial tensions, who stokes hatred of others, who asks the courts to strike down laws providing healthcare to people with pre existing conditions, and who turns half the country against the other.

  21. GH: you obviously don’t know anything about Rabbi Miller. The Rav said time and again that it is assur to vote for a liberal.

    Moreover, progressives and moderate Democrats are mutually exclusive so your point does not make any sense.

  22. Its incredibly stupid and arrogant to assert what Rav Miller z’l would say about anything, unless you are his talmid muvhak and are familiar with all his teachings. Then, your opinion is worth considering, otherwise, keep the arrogant nonesense to yourself.

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