ALERT – Missionaries Dumping Their Material All Over Flatbush

Missionaries are delivering material to homes all around Flatbush on Thursday. Please warn your children, and dispose of this garbage immediately.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. I see that they have a piece “How a Jew came to know and put his trust in the Jewish Messiah”. I assume this is a Chabad tract about Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, no? If not what is the difference between their kefira and the Chabad kefira?

  2. Oy rachmanus.. We really can feel that we’re in galus. These reshaim are trying to take us away from the Toireh! They’re almost as bad as the Modern “Orthodox”. We must keep all these people away from our precious children, and if they come into our daled amois, we must strike them down with fire and brimstone! Bring kavoid to the aibishter.

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