VOTE TODAY: Important Election In NY State

This Tuesday, June 25th, is Primary Election Day across New York State. Voters throughout the state will be selecting the party nominees for many offices, including Districts Attorney in Queens and Rockland County, as well as some important judicial and legislative elections. Agudath Israel urges all in our community to exercise this most important right and vote.

Voter turnout in primaries is generally low. That makes each vote count even more than it ordinarily does. There are significant issues facing our community and it is vital that our voices be heard. Decisions at the highest level of government are often based upon which communities come out to vote.

So please take the time to make an investment in our communities by voting this Tuesday! With challenges to Yahadus facing the Orthodox Jewish community in New York State, the future of our communities, our yeshivas, and the freedom to practice our way of life may be at stake.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Thank you YWN for posting this info.
    It is imperative for everyone to go out and vote as our yeshivahs / schools are at stake.
    As someone working in the schools, I know what they are faced against.
    We are coming to a point where schools might not be able to exercise any of the basic Jewish values if the bills being proposed go through.
    That means that anyone valuing a torah education may need to opt out of schooling if they don’t want their kids to be educated on things that can harm Yiddishe children and not allow them to ever have a Yiddishe life.
    Since the education department wants offices in EVERY school, the schools that do not teach certain things that the state wants and they are supposed to, will not be able to get away with it….Scary thoughts but true!

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