New Yorkers Rally At Rep. Max Rose’s Office With Messages Of ‘Ilhan Must Go’ And ‘Do The Right Thing’ [VIDEO]

Several dozen protestors rallied outside of Rep. Max Rose’s constituent office in Brooklyn to demand that he do the right thing by calling for the removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “We organized the event because it’s clear that since Omar’s first antisemitic remarks at the beginning of the year, the mainstreaming of antisemitism in the Democratic party has only grown in force, with others following her example” said Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Antisemitism and a former NYS Assemblyman. “Omar has seen how stoking the flames of antisemitic hatred benefited her fundraising goals and getting attention, so it makes her colleague Rep. Max Rose’s silence all the more deafening!”

“Still,” Hikind continued, “we came today with a message of love for Max:

“Max, we know you’re a good guy who aims to do the right thing. You’re in a tough position, granted. But hanging out on the fence in silence on this issue, when lives are on the line, will only make you complicit in this new wave of ‘the oldest hatred’! Do the right thing, stand up for what’s right, good, and decent, by committing to strike down antisemitism every, single, time it rears its ugly head, particularly when it comes from your own camp! If you know your history, and you’re a proud American Jew as you say, how could you remain silent as malintended colleagues of yours appropriate and distort Holocaust history for the social media brownie points they’ve scored? So, Max, you have a choice, you will have to take a stand, or in the end you will simply be hated by both sides (at the protest today, both sides shouted “Max Rose, do the right thing!”), so at the very least, take your pick. You’re a Purple Heart recipient for God’s sake, so soldier up, and stop being Missing In Action! Max Rose, DO THE RIGHT THING!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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