ACHDUS: Councilman Deutsch And Yeger Write Joint Letter To Community

Dear Neighbor,

Just a few weeks ago, our community gathered together in the strongest way to help elect a new City Council member. With your help, Councilwoman Farah Louis won
that election – and we’re proud to report to you that she’s already hit the ground running.

In just a few weeks, we have seen Councilwoman Farah Louis delve headfirst into addressing the issues facing our community. She has already devoted more attention to addressing the Nostrand Avenue traffic situation than has been paid in the last decade. And she has worked with us on the city’s budget to ensure that our community organizations have the resources to grow.

In short, Councilwoman Farah Louis has already proven to be the partner we promised she’d be. And she’s making us proud that we helped her win last month.

But the battle is not over. Because of a fluke in the law, Councilwoman Farah Louis must run again in a Primary on Tuesday, June 25th. And she is being challenged
by the same forces that feel comfortable pitting our community against the rest of the 45th District – in a very dangerous way.

We have always been concerned by those who play divide-and-conquer politics. But that is the race being run against Farah by her opponent. Our community needs to
stand strong and united, and win again!

Our support for Farah Louis is joined by numerous community leaders including Josh Mehlman, Chaskel Bennett, Leon Goldenberg, Shimon Lefkowitz, Dovi Zeitlin, Sam
Sutton, Ronald Tawil, Yitzy Fuchs and many others.

When we fight for our community, we need allies. Councilwoman Farah Louis is our ally, but she needs your help to win again. We urge you to take a few
minutes THIS Tuesday to vote to re-elect Councilwoman Farah Louis. Our community needs your vote!


Councilman Chaim Deutsch & Councilman Kalman Yeger

Councilwoman Farah Louis
is endorsed by the following

Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) leaders:

Jack Ashkenazi
Mordy Avigdor
Ari Baum
Binyomin Bendet
Chaskel Bennett
Manis Bercovici
Binyamin Berry
Menachem Braunstein
Sholom Brickman
Shloime Dachs
Joe Dweck
Eddie Ebani
Alan Esses
Yitzchok Farkas
Eli Fisher
Dov Fishoff
Shloime Fried
Ephraim Fruchthandler
Yitzy Fuchs
Eli Gabay
Tzvi Gelb
Eli Goldbaum
Leon Goldenberg
Itchy Goldbrenner
Danny Hadar
Zevy Herbstman
Marc Herskowitz
David Heskiel
Yochanan Itzkowitz
Albert Kahn
Izzy Kirzner
Harry Klaristenfeld
Yaakov (Jack) Kaplan
Mutty Katz
Yitzy Katz
Ezra Klein
Dovid Langer
Betzalel Leiser
Shimon Lefkowitz
Joe Mansour
Josh Mehlman
Robert Moscovitz
Joe Neuhoff
Ephraim Nierenberg
Moshe Nussbaum
Moshe Odes
Joe Oved
Gavriel Ralbag
Peter Rebenwurzel
Aaron Rosenfeld
Paul Rosenstock
Avrumi Rubin
Nusi Samuel
Avrumi Schonfeld
Avi Schron
Mattis Soffer
Dudi Spira
Chaim Stanieski
Daniel Stok
Sam Sutton
Asher Taub
Ronald Tawil
Yehoshua Teller
Rafi Treitel
Meir Weil
Eliakim Willner
Matis Witriol
Mendy Worch
Moshe Wulliger
Moshe Zakheim
Dovi Zeitlin
Shimshi Zimmerman
Yaakov Zwick

5 Responses

  1. Two neighboring councilmen endorse the same person for a neighboring district and that’s a big deal of achdus? Are these men previously known to be blood enemies that such a minor thing is called achdus?

  2. 73 members or shall I say leaders on the FJCC? Who is kidding who ? I am certainly not fooled. What does this meaningless nation (even in times of Mishkan there were only 70 umos) do? How many of those 73 even know who Farah is?

  3. Boruch Hashem the borei olam gave me seichel and ability to form my own opinions. I don’t need taxpayer paid politicians telling me who to vote for. These are the facts from the media. If they are wrong, please correct me:

    Haitian American Farah Louis is the candidate who tweeted, “Jews are annoying.” Louis is a former staff member of Jumaane Williams. Williams has a history of supporting and befriending Linda Sarsour, going back to defending her appearance on a CUNY campus two years ago.

    Now I ask, do you want to be clueless and soak up what politicians tell you to do? Or would you rather form your own articulate opinion as to who YOU feel should represent you in City Council. For me the choice is clear. This is still a democratic country. Nobody can coerce you or influence you or goad you as to who to vote for. Form your own opinions and vote accordingly.

  4. With the low turnout expected I would think that the votes coming from the families and friends of the 70+ endorsers listed, would give this candidate an advantage. Knowing Kalman as I do, there must be good reasons to vote for Farah Lewis. Kalman thinks for himself, has as good an understanding of City government and cares for our community.

  5. These jews keep bothering u, start singing Dance Like David Danced LOL RT @MayorDrewliani: @PrettyWings25 these jews are annoying me …

    — Farah N. Louis (@FarahNLouis) April 20, 2010

    These is a tweet from Farah N. Louis

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