TOEIVA FAMILY IN THE WHITE HOUSE? Buttigieg Says ‘Why Not’ Start A First Family In White House?

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg wants to start a family with his husband, Chasten, and says that could happen if he’s in the White House.

“I don’t see why not,” the South Bend, Indiana, mayor says in a Father’s Day television interview that also marked his one-year wedding anniversary.

He tells CNN’s “State of the Union” that “it wouldn’t be the first time that children have arrived to a first couple, but obviously that’s a conversation I had better have with Chasten before I go into it too much on television.

Buttigieg is seeking to become the first openly gay presidential nominee from a major political party.


20 Responses

  1. Big deal, a lot worse has gone down in the white house (Bill Clinton and Lewinsky).
    This fixation by the media that he is “Toeiva” is getting ridiculous. Noone cares. Its 2019.

  2. If by some miracle, this guy wins the presidency, any frum yid who doesn’t grab their passport & flee the country, is an idiot! Scary times!

  3. DemocRAT – toeiva candidate for President Pete Butthead stated that there were other toeiva Presidents in the past.
    He is certainly correct! Ultra-DemocRAT Barf Obama hid the fact that he was a toeiva and disguised his husband Michael as a woman and called him Michelle. Just keep voting for those DemocRATs!! One is sicker than the next!!

  4. This country is already in the sewer. This abomination is already prorected by the law of the land and it’s inevitable an abominable duo will one day inhabit the white house. The only outcry will occur when they try to give it rainbow stripes.

  5. Democrat party is a party of filthy freaks, party of baby killers, party of Marxists Bolsheviks, party of Jew-haters, party of America-haters and a party of Islamo-Nazis loves.

  6. faithlessandnoreason:
    1. If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t say it!
    2. What does an Islamic attack on 9/11 have to do with this conversation?
    Based on your comments, you sound like a frustrated toeiva trying to change the subject.

  7. Spectrum, et al.
    Possibly your Faith evolves, ours assuredly does not!!
    we’re from the 22nd century!

    Chazal wrote שלא כותבין כתובה לזכר
    It is the lowest of the lowest level that even the most decadent couldn’t reach.
    This gave them the right to still exist.
    Throughout the history, even the most perverted (e.g. the Greeks) wouldn’t reach this nadir.

  8. The era of fudging is over
    are at least two sources that the battle of Armageddon will be precisely against these deviants
    Everybody’s going to have to pick sides

  9. Dear Mr Toragdefender,
    Where to? Israel? It is even worse, so might as well stay put & Deen the Ribono Shel Olam,

  10. I question most of you posters here as to whether your “disgust” for having a toeiva couple in the white house comes from an emotional “disgust, i.e. homophobia, or from actual יראת שמים and adherence to the words of the Torah calling such an act “Toeiva”.

    Halacha is what counts.
    Not your feelings.

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