Kenos Against Draft of Bnei Yeshivos in Brussels

prAfter a successful event in New York City against plans to draft bnei yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael, organizers are looking at another event, this time in Europe. Organizers explain they plan to make good on their promise to enlist Yidden around the world against the new government policy in Israel. This kenos is expected to take place in Brussels.

A letter was sent by Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita as the Eida plans to hold another event on European soil.

The gavaad writes “While the government remains determined to destroy chareidi Jewry by mixing good and evil and eliminating the barriers that separate between the immoral and the G-d fearing people by inducting bnei yeshivos into the IDF and forcing them into the military framework to assimilate along with the others who are in danger…”

The time and date of the event is to be announced.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Why did YWN change tones regarding these kind of protests. last time they went beyond any impartial news reporting, urging people not to attend.

    just wondering

    MODERATORS RESPONSE: YWN never urged anyone not to attend any protest. Why the blatant lie?

  2. How was the event in NYC successful? What did it achieve? Has anything changed in Eretz Yisrael?

    The only way to have real success is to develop an alternative Chareidi plan that will address the issues of joblessness, poverty and civic duty in the Chareidi world within a Torah framework. Only once the Chareidi world develops a coherent plan to address the challenges facing our community can we hope to convince others of the righteousness of our cause.

  3. What was successful about the event in New York?
    …Oh yeah they very successfully made a chilul hashem.
    Had goyim made such a protest every one would have gone mad.

  4. “After a successful event in New York City”

    what made it successful? It stoppped the draft? Rabbanim encouraged yidden to do a cheshbon HaNefesh to determine why Hashem is making this draft?

    Why was the event “successful”?

  5. “After a successful event in New York City against plans to draft bnei yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael”

    It’s nice to see some truthful words about the event.

    YWN. Keep up the good work!

  6. the de facto capital of the European Union. It’s a good place for a rally, except that the largest concentrations of frum Jews in the EU are in London, Paris and Antwerp. It’s a good place to declare to the world that not all orthodox Jews believe in militaristic zionism.

    The New York event indicated that anti-zionism is not limited to the few dozen members of Netueri Karta (though I supsect Neturei Karta has grown considerably in the last few months – indeed Lapid and Bennett have gone a considerable way to “proving” that Neturei Karta has been right all along).

  7. “Wait but what a chillul hashem this is going to be”

    Can we assume that gedoilei rabbonim know hilchos chilul hashem a little better than the bloggers puh-leeeease

    And no Rav shteinmnan never said it was a chillul hashen just he said they would not help. So all gedoilei talmidei chachomim agree there is no haschalas issue of chillul hashem here, despite the vehement opposition of the gedoilei ha”bloggers”

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