Homelessness Jumps 12 Percent Across Los Angeles County

The number of homeless people counted across Los Angeles County jumped 12% over the past year to a total of 58,936, with more young and old people and families on the streets.

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority on Tuesday presented the results of January’s annual count to the Board of Supervisors.

The majority of the homeless people were found in the city of Los Angeles, which saw a 16% increase to 36,300.

Officials say the same people have not remained on the streets.

They say they helped 21,631 people move into permanent housing over the year — a pace that could rapidly end homelessness. But economic pressures have pushed thousands more people into the streets.


2 Responses

  1. A major cause of homelessness – skyrocketing housing costs. Builders are concentrating on “McMansions” and other high end single family houses, and not constructing cheaper houses or multiple unit buildings. New York City experienced a large increase in homelessness after the residential hotels (single room occupancy) were turned into gentrified housing, putting many poor and/or mentally ill people out on the streets.

    The problem comes down to, as so many problems in our country seem to be doing these days, simple greed. The one who “has 200 wants 400.” Or as we learn in Avos, midas S’dom.

  2. YOU ARE MISSING THE BIG PROBLEM. Many of these people are mental cases and almost all are on drugs. How much are they spending on their drugs could be used for housing. They are breaking into cars and house to support their life style. Drugs dependency help cause such problem Another to consider, OUT BREAK OF RATS. There now is typhoid in
    LA. The cops are getting sick and don’t want to deal with these people. If things continue as is there could be a break out of the Black Plague by summer’s end. Get them off the street. Get politicians that are going to act not talk. The rich liberals are happy to have these people their but not in their backyard

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