No Cost Measles Immunity Testing In Flatbush = Peace of Mind

Senator Felder is sponsoring two no-cost Measles Titers Immunity Tests as part of an ongoing effort to stop the spread of measles. Since October, there have been 550 confirmed cases of measles in New York City. While the outbreak has been mostly concentrated in certain areas, the summer brings a new challenge.

In partnership with Premium Health in Boro Park and New York Community Hospital in Flatbush, Senator Felder is calling on the community to take this opportunity to check their immunity to measles before the summer travel season.

Flatbush: Wednesday, June 5, 10 AM – 1 PM

Boro Park: Thursday, June 13, 10 AM – 1 PM

Appointments required, please call 718-253-2015

“Measles is highly contagious. Once exposed, you could spread the virus days before showing signs of having contracted it. The Department of Health recommends confirming your immunity level with a titers test, so that people with diminished immunity can protect themselves with a vaccination. We are happy to offer you this simple blood test, at no cost, to confirm your immunity. Stay healthy, and help stop the spread of measles,” urges Senator Felder.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Excellent. A good, practical step to reduce the risk. For those with whom the vaccine they had as kids didn’t “take,” it’s important to know *before* they run the risk of getting sick. For about ten years after the vaccine was first introduced, it wasn’t realized that a second shot was necessary, and a lot of people are at risk and don’t know it.

    Get tested and be safe – and keep your children safe.

  2. Finally NYS is admitting that many adults are not immune to measles. Until now they were saying if you got two MMR shots you’re good to go. Not so simple. Seems immunity can wane. (Of course those that only got one shot are at a greater risk of contracting the measles if exposed to the virus.)

  3. Peace of mind??
    What about emunah and bitachon?
    Since when does a vaccine produce peace of mind?

  4. @yehuda26 – It’s called Hishtadlus. Do your part, and daven that it all works out. Don’t just put your head in your siddur and think nothing can ever happen to you.

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