Shomrim Unit Released After Being Detained By NYPD

bp shomrim2.jpg(Click HERE for photos) An unfortunate incident ended peacefully a few moments ago thanks to the fabulous relationship between Boro Park Shomrim and the NYPD.

At approximately 3:00PM, an NYPD Traffic Agent was writing tickets on 13th Avenue near 53rd Street, and people felt that certain summonses were unjustified. A crowd gathered around the agent, and unfortunately, a Boro Park Shomrim unit was detained by the police. He was taken by a patrol car to the 66th PCT, where various Askonim arrived to offer their assistance.

YWN has just been informed that as of 5:00PM, the Shomrim member has been released from the police station – without any arrest being made.

NYPD and Shomrim urge all members of the community the following:

Although many people feel that certain parking tickets are unjustified (and many are), people should never attempt to rectify the situation with a traffic enforcement agent, but rather take their shield number and file a complaint by calling 311, or calling 911.

Boro Park Shomrim would like to publicly thank the members of the NYPD for assisting in rectifying this situation as quickly as possible.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / YW-74 – Photos courtesy of Dependable Collision.)

11 Responses

  1. I am not positive because i live in chicago not lakewood but i read recently in the news(not chas vishalom a english-language newspaper, it was in the yiddish herald) that starting on july 17th the whole america that’s united( i don’t know if alaska counts) will have the same police number-911, meanwhile you can try 1-800-4-POLICE and type in your city code, lakewood is 285

  2. Most tickets in Lakewood are justified. For example when people park on the corner of a block. It is saconos nefoshos. I know of accident in Lakewood that happened because people parked to the corner and the driver coming out could not see (yes he should of inched out slowly).

  3. I understand that “traffic court” is notoriously biased in favor of traffic cops and meter maids, and doesn’t operate by rules of evidence like other courts, therefore anytime a traffic cop writes a ticket and leaves it, unless they take it back, its an uphill and unfair burden to try to dispute it.

  4. Suppose the ticket agent refuses to give his/her badge number? What recourse? By the time a witness is found he/she will be gone unless a repeat of today’s incident. If you can keep your cool take out a cellphone camera and take a picture. Try to get the face or as much as possible to make it usable in a court of law. Then call 911 and say you were “accosted” (broad usage) by aticket agent and want the police. Call Shomrim, Misakim, Hatzaloh if need be. MAke a jewish ruckus but “DON”T TOUCH THE AGENT”. !!!!

  5. #3…not only in Lakewood do they park and block the view of the intersection, in BP and Flatbush it is also like that. Chesed is very great by the jews but many don’t know how to spell courteous!!!! Parking in 2 spaces so that another can’t park when he/she comes home late from a wedding or rachmanah ltzlan visiting a sick person in a hospital. That isn’t depressing enough but to come home and find you must park 2+ blocks away because someone (and VAS 4×4’s do too) take 2 spots!!!!!! Where is the Chesed?

  6. The member works in Super13. The grocery van was ticketed while being loaded. Meter maids are NOTORIOUS when it comes to ignoring the obvious and sadly they exploit the fact that they have some kind of “immunity” because they can always claim they were assaulted.

    I don’t know exactly what transpired because I wasn’t there, but these idiotic morons do not deserver the benefit of the doubt. They are as corrupt as they come (at least the majority of them).

    Even the cops hate them.

    I urge the commentators here to show a little Achdus (by not attacking the Shomrim) when it comes to an issue that affects all of us. After all, you might, correction, will be ticketed by one of these clowns for no good reason sometime or another.

    Enough is enough.

  7. #6…Whats the big deal about parking 2 blocks away from your house? are you that lazy? and by the way, if you want to see chesed, then stand by one of the hatzolah garages in the middle of the night and when you see a hatzolah member pulling into the garage at a time when you are normaly sleeping on all the other nights, YOU WILL BE LOOKING AT CHESED!!!!! Its easy to bash. It’s not easy getting up at 3am!

  8. k, so shomrim and the pd urge everyone to file a complaint. and then what?

    dead air. that’s what. ever tried filing a complaint? may as well save your breath.

  9. i have been all over the world, and have never seen “meter maids” (or whatever they’re called) act as they do in new york, and particularly in boro park (and to a lesser degree, willy and flatbush).

    this is strictly a new york phenomenon.

    and instead of arresting the shomrim member(s), why wasnt the meter maid” taken aside, and a request (through channels) to have him/her reassigned? (of course not! the cop enjoyed arresting a jew, esp a shomrim member. dont worry, the cops will still be honored at dinners by our “askanim”.

    by the way, the legal definition of “arrest” is when you are deprived of your liberty to go anywhere you want. so, if cop tells you not to leave (with or without handcuffs) that is an arrest. whether or not (i assume numerous) forms have to be filled out. its still a legal term of arrest.

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