White FDNY Lieutenant Sues Department Over Racial Discrimination

The following is via Fox News:

A white firefighter has sued the FDNY after claiming he was barred from participating in a color guard ceremony honoring deceased members of the Vulcan Society — a fraternal organization of black firefighters.

Lt. Daniel McWilliams has also sued the Vulcan Society after alleging that he was removed from his role as a flag bearer at a 2017 memorial Mass for the group’s deceased members because of his race. McWilliams, who was pictured in a well-known photo of firefighters erecting an American flag in the rubble at Ground Zero after 9/11, has outlined his complaint in a lawsuit filed on Friday, the New York Daily News reports.

The lawsuit reveals an exchange between McWilliams and then-president of the Vulcan Society Regina Wilson regarding McWilliams’ assignment to the ceremonial unit for the 2017 Mass, which was held at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Harlem.

“Lieutenant, I specifically requested an all-black color guard,” Wilson allegedly said.

McWilliams, a 29-year veteran of the FDNY responded by questioning, “Are you removing me from the color guard because I am not black?”

“Yes I am,” Wilson reportedly answered.

After McWilliams was removed from the ceremonial team, his friends overheard “racially charged exchanges” which prompted the veteran firefighter to leave the church “to save himself from further shame, humiliation and embarrassment,” the lawsuit claims.

“As a result of the defendants’ conduct, (McWilliams) has suffered severe shame, emotional distress and damage to his reputation,” the complaint reads. “Defendant Wilson … intentionally, maliciously and publicly stripped the plaintiff of (his) prestigious honor … on account of his race.”

The lawsuit also accuses the department of “once again turning a blind eye to discrimination and creating a double-standard within the FDNY.”

McWilliams is seeking compensation and punitive damages from the FDNY, Vulcan Society, Regina Wilson and the City of New York. The law department for New York City told the New York Daily News that they were reviewing McWilliams’ complaint.

(Source: Fox News)

5 Responses

  1. Hope he wins and gets awarded a massive amount of money. Time for the Dems, leftists and people of color to learn that their mishagusim work both ways.

  2. I’m so confused I thought racism is only against people the left decide it’s racism against. What he suing for? This isn’t racism? Oh Maybe he’s gay. Then they’d be violating the worst sin of the liberal Bible.

  3. Turn it around. An organization of Jewish firefighters wishes to hold a ceremony honoring fallen Jewish firefighters. A Muslim is a member of the color guard. Will the readers of YWN agree to allow the Muslim to be part of the Jewish guard? Black firefighters experienced exclusion and prejudice for decades from white firefighters. Many Jews consider most Muslims to be anti-Semitic. How do we react if the shoe is on our foot?

    Another possibility: does the white firefighter McWilliams have a reputation for being anti-black and saying disparaging things about his non-white colleagues? There are many nuances here, and we do have to think about what would happen if the organization were Jewish. As I’ve heard some white people say, “Jews are OK, they’re *almost* as good as white people.” You and I aren’t considered white. I grew up at a time when nobody considered Jews “white.” Let’s remember our history as a minority group – and also the current rash of violence against Jews, all of which seem to be at the hands of our white “friends.”

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