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FBI Investigates Miami Chabad House Fire As Hate Crime

Fbi-logo2.jpgFederal, state and local police are still investigating the devastating fire at the Miami Beach Chabad Shul. The Shul’s Sefer Torah was stolen in the incident as well – which took place on Chol Hamoed (Tuesday) – as was first reported HERE on YWN.

FBI Dir. Robert Mueller said to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, a member of the house judiciary committee, in Washington DC., that the FBI will investigate the fires that damaged all Miami Beach synagogues in the past six months as hate crimes.

The Shul’s Rov, Rabbi Zev Katz told CBS4 that he believed the fire was intentionally set, but Miami Beach fire officials have not confirmed it.

Meanwhile, the Tefillos were held over Shabbos and Yom Tov on the lawn of the Chabad Shul, located at 2401 Pinetree Dr, and Archbishop John C. Favalora met with Rabbi Zev Katz earlier Friday – offering a donation of thousands on behalf of the Archdiocese of Miami.

On December 13, 2007, a large blaze ripped through the Sky-Lake Synagogue on NW 183rd Street in North Miami Beach (reported HERE on YWN), and on October 8, 2007, an arson fire caused major damage to the Miami Beach Community Kollel (reported HERE on YWN).

(CORRECTION: YWN has originally reported that the Sefer Torah was destroyed in the blaze, but was actually stolen. Our apologies.)

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. sayitlikeitis:

    No, but if it was reported by bbc or cnn, they would call the perpetrator a “Matchman”, just like they call terrorists “Gunman”.

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