MAILBAG: Orlando Pesach Program Guest Responds to the Reported Fiasco

The following is an unedited response to a YWN article published on Chol Hamoed, detailing a fiasco at the “A Different Pesach Program” in Orlando.

Alan Sakowitz, a guest at the program, writes it was “one of the best Pesachs ever”.

Dear Editor,

As a guest at A Different Pesach Program, I would like to set the record straight as to what happened. I have read so many articles written by people not at the program and it is shocking how inaccurate they are.

What went wrong at this year’s “A Different Pesach Program” and who saved the day? Last year Ben Atkin, the owner of A Different Pesach Program ran two Pesach programs. This year he combined the two into one and planned to have 1,000 guests. He hired an operations manager so he would not need to be on site. Ben put deposits on 120 homes, advertised extensively and as Pesach grew near he was in the unenviable position of having about only half the guests he expected and a fraction of what he had last year. The reservations he was expecting just did not come through in the numbers he expected. Financially, the program was no longer feasible but it was also very late to cancel. Where would his guests go? Many were flying in and had already purchased tickets. Some money was already lost on canceling homes that were not needed, advertising dollars could not be recouped, food was already being prepared by the truckload. All of the homes were paid for except about $900 was still due on each of 11 homes.

Ben did what he thought was the best under the bad circumstances. He was under-capitalized and planned on borrowing money to pay the remaining bills for this year’s Pesach program. He over projected how many guests he would have and made some bad decisions. Renting the parking area where the tent would be placed for the shul, the grassy area where the tent would be positioned for community meals, the land where three refrigerated tractor trailers would be located to serve the meals and some small other items as well as garbage pick up in those areas cost over $65,000. The tents were another $11,000. The generator for lights in the tent, even more. The program placed $10,000 in deposits for the land rental with just over $55,000 due April 1 and extended to April 22. Ben was working hard on getting a loan and expected it during Chol Hamoed. Ben expected the Homeowner Association at Windsor At Westside, A Pulte Home Community, would work with him and give him another extension. After all, by having the Pesach program in their community, the program rented about 70 homes and villas for guests and staff at high prices because of the demand for homes the program created. The association representative mentioned that in the past he had been late in getting them full payment and caught up.

This year, when April 22 arrived and Ben did not have the $55,000+ balance, the HOA rep called the police and asked them to take back the land where the Shul was and the land where the community meals were served in a tent. They also regained possession of the area where the food trucks were parked but later allowed access to the trucks. When the 25 member server/delivery team learned the program was having financial difficulty, all but one left and did not return. For a few minutes it seemed like there would be chaos. There was enough food for everyone but without servers and delivery people how would food get from the trucks to the guests’ plates?

The Windsor At Westside Homeowners Association had every right to take back the land for the shul and common eating area if its agreement was a license rather than a lease since they were not paid. But with 65 innocent families in the middle and no demand for the parking lot area and grassy area by the association or anyone else, was it a smart business decision by the association? Will anyone ever want to spend $65,000 for those small pieces of land again Pesach time since meals were more enjoyable in our private homes than in a big communal tent and services were more enjoyable in homes than the tent? If they were a little more flexible, Windsor At West Side would have had $65,000 a year for the next 10 years ($650,000). Instead, they will have a small grassy area and two small asphalt areas without tenants. My guess is without the demand the program created, more people will go to the many other vacation rental communities. Those that do go to Windsor At Westside will likely find the rents much lower.

If the agreement between the program and the association was a lease and not a license, then the proper method to disposes the program was by giving a 3 day notice followed by a 5 day summons. Since the program was put out of business, we likely will never know if the association and the police applied the correct law. Perhaps if the program files bankruptcy, the bankruptcy trustee will investigate this issue and if things were not done right, collect some money for those still owed money! The statute provides for actual damages plus legal fees with a minimum of three times the monthly rent. That is a minimum of $195,000 plus legal fees.

Once the Sheriff dispossessed the program of the areas and the tent was taken down, articles, blogs and the gossip machine made the Pesach Program at Windsor At Westside arrears to the world as a refugee camp with starving guests. Even though nothing could be further from the truth, it became impossible for Ben to borrow money from anyone. Articles even suggested Ben left the premises and his whereabouts were unknown. Ben was not the operations manager at the property this year. Ben was not at the property, He was in the property down the street. He was staying so close by to be available should he be needed.

The operations manager began letting the remaining staff know the program may not be able to pay them and no one would be required to work any further under those circumstances. When Jonathan Braunsweiger was approached with this information, he was our Nachshon ben Aminadav. He immediately jumped in and announced that he would work around the clock to be sure everyone had a great Pesach even though he was not responsible and would likely not be compensated. His wife, four sons and a daughter quickly announced they were all in. Then it was Yisrael Meir “Coach” Cohen and his wife, Ettie who joined. Shira Anton was also in and so were Pesach Rotenberg, the Goldberg family and the Ratzker family. It is not an exaggeration to say that most of these amazing people worked 18 hours a day or more and the results were a beautiful Pesach. There were many others who helped in many ways. The Wilks family including children provided entertainment and groups for the children. Dr. Lasson arranged for multiple minyanim in private homes and the Antons pitched in with many roles.

Who would have ever guessed that it would be so much better without the shul in a tent and the community meals. It saved $75,000 and was so much more enjoyable. There was so much more interaction between guests and so many friendships made. The meals were delicious. My favorite were the ribs, corned beef, pastrami and salmon. But I must say, I never tasted such scrumptious hamburgers as the ones we had at the Bar-B-Qs and the veal wasn’t bad either. Everyone’s refrigerator was stuffed even after Pesach. If there were three more days of Pesach, we still could not have eaten all of the food that the program had prepared. When Pesach ended there was still so much food left over. Orlando Torah Academy was the lucky beneficiary.

With the WhatsApp group set up, most of the requests were to offer food to others since everyone had too much. A couple of people asked me if I did not know there was a problem, would I know there was a problem? The answer is no. The amazing volunteers demonstrated what it is to come together and help each other. They truly defined who they are and they are great people. The achdus was something that will never be forgotten.

Yes, it was a different Pesach Program and many said it was their best Pesach ever. A guest from Atlanta volunteered that it reminded him of the hurricane where North Miami Beach residents trecked up to Atlanta and no one worried if a house had enough space or there was enough food. Everyone shared everything and everyone was there for each other.

Alan Sakowitz

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


Photos from the “A Different Pesach Program”, used with permission:

No photo description available.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

41 Responses

  1. According to this letter, there was no dishonesty, just that the guy bit off way more than he could chew, and had no qualms about putting down loads of other people’s money without an exit strategy if not enough people signed up. Who cares, as long as it’s not my money?

    This underscores a problem with these Pesach programs. It’s not like a regular business where, if you don’t get the service you paid for, they have the resources to give you your money back. Here, it’s a one shot deal–if they go under, you can kiss your 20 grand goodbye.

  2. Are you sure this article is about the heilige Yom Tov of Pesach? It is describing a vacation junket, not a Yom Tov.

  3. What’s the business about the picture from the above Pesach junket showing a woman in short sleeves and a low neckline?

  4. Alan Sakowitz, I understand that you are an attorney by trade. I’d like to know some honest disclosure 1. Your relationship with Ben Atkin (you both reside in North Miami Beach)? 2. If you are or intend on being his attorney? 3. Were you on the program as a full paying guest? Reason why I’m asking is because one of the staff member’s of the program (won’t mention the name) has a very different story of events than how your portrayed. Not only did the individual show me personal credit card expenses, but also police reports. There are several unedited videos, photographs, and guests who have a very different experience than you. I still don’t understand why Ben Atkin wasn’t around when guests needed help or needed food for the young or the elderly?

  5. I’m glad I was dan lekaf zechus as soon as I heard about this fiasco. May hashem repay everyone for all their kindness and chewed even during their time for vacation.

  6. Joseph, perhaps you are talking about another website, as I don’t see which picture you are referring to. Please try to keep your language appropriate here.

  7. This doesn’t sound like just a guest, perhaps there is more to his relationship.
    How does he have acess to all of those dollar amounts?

  8. Yitz, “immune to it” so absurd! Until someone pointed it out I had to look very carefully at the image for about 30 seconds till I saw what was referred to. Im a bit shocked that you are able to find such images within seconds, perhaps something to discuss with a Rav?

  9. TGIS,
    At first I didn’t notice it either, but after reading this guy’s comment I rolled it back and saw it ,but it’s not obvious at first glance. Don’t feel bad… It’s the chevra with a mindful of shrotzim and a kosher chazzer fissel to boot who are the most talented at neckline watching.

  10. I agree with TGI. Never even noticed it. And even when I did see it, nunu? Am I that delicate that I melt from such a photo??

  11. I must say when I was a bit younger I used to look at these tabloid junk magazines in the isle at the supermarket and wonder which pathetically sick people had the pleasure of reading details of some of the worst behaviors scandals and possibly complete false gossip about people. Then I wondered who were the group of sadist who say around writing this trash. My ultimate justification was that it was for profit and they were blinded. However … the trash and hate spewed in these comments are purely for no one single persons benefit. It is also full of hate and jealousy and worst of all no one here is even making a penny off of this. I know this site is geared towards the frum community and my assumption is all the haters who not only choose to hate and assume the horrible things the program director did has any truth to it but you can’t even fargin the defender who was as the program. This is sad and sickening that during the days of sefira this conversion persists.

    Poeple wake up and think before you type and think of the consequences on this world and the consequences in the world to come. YWN editors I am not sure where you fall into this part of the parsha but I would recommend asking if this is considered Machti Es Harabim.

  12. I spoke to my Rabbi who leads a very prominent hechsher and he said that whomever goes to a hotel for Pesach has no yiras shomayim. No ifs and or buts except for old or sick people who have no one to take care of them.

  13. TGI, Alan is an attorney, but not a practicing one. He doesn’t represent people in court, he’s a real estate developer by profession.

    Anything you’ve heard is conjecture at this point. Unless you’re Ben Atkin, you don’t know the truth.

    I’m not trying to defend anyone, but at the same time, whatever legal actions come out of this will produce some level or truth and in the meantime, rumors and idol discussion on the topic is lashon harah at best and potentially rechilis or motzei shem rah.

  14. 🤔 hmm, I Did not notice the picture Until I read his comment. Is that an accidental lifnei hibur? Should I take off my glasses next time I visit this site

    The program sounds like nice pesach program for those who are not on an agenda of judging others pesach choices.

  15. I love it, this story is the gift that keeps on giving.
    So guests that paid an insane amount of money and worked for 18 hours a day, therefore had a wonderful time? Truly interesting logic.

  16. TGI

    What ruv would you be referring to ? you poke fun of them and everything holy on a daily basis

    Regardless, I’m happy you’re man enough to apologize to Joseph.

  17. yudel
    I’m not privy to this guest’s background or relationship, but it would behoove those throwing stones to at least know the numbers as well. Otherwise it’s just slander.

  18. TGIShabbat: Unfortunately you’re so used to looking and enjoying such scenes and imagery that you didn’t even notice it here above when you didn’t get to enjoy the full shot, as her head is missing above.

    For Torah observant folks such shocking imagery sticks out as a sore thumb and causes us much pain in having witnessed it.

  19. stay home for pesach.. that’s how it was done in the past.
    if you can’t do it yourself hire help –
    what happened to us??????
    When we wish one another a chag kosher v’sameach the way this can happen is by staying home with loved ones and making sure it is truly your kind of kosher.

  20. It so so sad that we see the bad in others. And of course without gain.
    The woman that you say with a low neck line and short sleeves, maybe she is a non Jewish helper. Or maybe a Balaas teshuva returning or maybe just a lady not brought up the way you where. She may very well never speak Loshon horo or do so many mite is that you never fulfill. Live and let live Move on with your own life.
    Same is with this letter writer. What’s a difference what his relationship is. Who’s business is it and if every word is true you may have to give serious din v. Heshbon.
    Let’s see if for a while everyone can say just good things about others

  21. I knew nothing about this grand Pesach getaway, so I read this “defending article” with total impartiality. It was somewhat convincing until this line: “My favorite were the ribs, corned beef, pastrami and salmon. But I must say, I never tasted such scrumptious hamburgers as the ones we had at the Bar-B-Qs and the veal wasn’t bad either.”

    If Mr. Sakowitz is an attorney, he ruined his case by transforming from a reasoned advocate into a common cheerleader.
    Really, does he think the weight of public opinion in this unfortunate episode is dependent on his culinary sensitivity to hamburgers?

  22. As a member of the aforementioned staff of the program (one that has not yet gotten paid, for the record) there is much I could say on this topic, but feel I MUST object to one the said by TGI. Whatever the reasons for the situation we found ourselves in, none of us focused on that. We focused on one thing and one thing only, ensuring that, to the best of our ability, a beautiful Yom Tov would be experienced by all that paid and came expecting it. And most specifically, NO ONE, not children nor elderly nor middle-age, nor millennial went hungry without food! There was never, at any time, a shortage of food. Did people have to come to a private villa to pick up a substantial food package rather than standing in a buffet line in an outdoor tent? Yes. But even people who went to parks and didn’t return until late at night were taken care of with a smile. So keep you comments to what you actually know, or ask questions of you don’t. But don’t cast aspersion or spread false rumors (as did some nefarious individuals who used this program’s problems to promote their own businesses)

  23. Joseph and Yitz, we are going way off topic with this absurd side conversation. There are two sides of the token regarding this issue, and I’m just simply surprised that you seem to notice those images right off the bat. I’m assuming no one has a visual disability or impairment, but it’s interesting that you noticed it and I (and others here) didn’t notice it. Joseph, do you happen to know that as a certain fact about me? Do you know anything about me at all? I “enjoyed it” so much that I didn’t even notice it or discuss it in an open forum like you did.

  24. There’s always that one PC guy who protects the guy who doesn’t run his program properly. A bad job is a bad job.

  25. If you purchase services that you do not have the money to cover you are stealing. It does not matter if you thought it was a good investment and you would make money. The director of this program is no better than a common thief and should be treated as such.

  26. And regarding the picture that was so utterly disturbing to you, I was at the program and that happened to be a Ba’al Teshuva’s non-frum parent who was spending a Kosher Pesach with her children/grandchildren. Wonderful middos of you to focus on the negative rather than the positive. It’s a shame your squad of the Tznius Police didn’t make it to our part of Orlando so you could bludgeon her into submission for non-conformity.

  27. you run a program of this magnitude and you cant come up with 55k?
    something is very wrong with your business plan
    you need to plan for contingincies

  28. Its unbelievable how certain people decided that they became a full time comment ripper… what it boils down is that haters will always hate and only because they are jealous that they cant afford it or whatever frum reason they have. Wait until they win the lottery and all of the sudden they’re doing everything they couldn’t afford until now and all of the sudden there is nothing wrong with what THEY do… instead of ripping on the whole thing, look at how many people came in to help to make every else feel that everything is perfect…

  29. Joseph,

    How come you are the only one that notices these things..?

    Also, by pointing it out you were Gorem many others to go back and observe.
    This is precisely what Chazal meant when saying: Sometimes it is more of mitzvah to be silent that to scold etc..

  30. ” he said that whomever goes to a hotel for Pesach has no yiras shomayim. No ifs and or buts except for old or sick people who have no one to take care of them.”

    So, the sick and elderly dont need yiras shamayim? At what age can one give it up? Please ask your Rav.

  31. I was on the program as well and exactly why things happened I don’t know…the numbers however were somehow verified and was almost common knowledge… The association and workers were throwing those numbers around…

    I think the world needs some more positive articles written…
    I read article and I don’t think after reading this article anyone would be running to do business with anyone… The author of article is simply trying to find a positive spin on the end result and give those credit who deserve it.

    At the end of the day the program turned out fine no thanks to one who ran program but to all the volunteers and people who chipped in to help. Whatever one did wrong is still wrong and that fact does not change.

  32. who cares what the relationship is between the letter writer and program director. why does it bother everyone so much that people might have had an enjoyable pesach? if they think they had an enjoyable pesach, why do people decide to tell them they did not? sheesh, everyone should just get a life.

  33. Sounds to me as though those who were there were catered for and probably had a good time, even if not quite as they expected. Can the rest of us who were not there now stop venting, to this side or that, and get on with blogging about the important things in life like when Donald is going to be impeached or why Bill wasn’t forced out as he was much worse.

  34. @JustARegularJew

    Of course we must judge favorably! The issue here isn’t that she isn’t tzniyus; everybody is on their own level and it’s not my place to tell others how to be. No one is upset at her.

    They are allowed to be upset with YWN for putting the picture up though.

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